Spider Magazine

From the same publishing company that brings us Ladybug Magazine we also get Spider, specifically written for children ages 6-9. I have a lot of respect for a company that doesn’t just try to hit every demographic with one magazine, but that creates magazines that children will actually understand, enjoy and appreciate. The magazine series literally grows with your child. As we look through the pages of Spider, we see many of the same elements that we found in Ladybug. The first page features letters that children have written to the insect characters in the magazine, along the lines of … Continue reading

LadyBug: the magazine for young children

Are you getting tired of the same stories, the same finger plays and poems, and the same songs? Do you wish you had an endless supply of new ways to entertain your young child? Ladybug Magazine just might be the answer for you. Produced by the publishers of Spider and Cricket, Ladybug specializes in stories for young children ages 3-6, written on their level with lots of big pictures, simple words, and bright colors. All of the concepts are easy to understand, using everyday events and objects that your child will relate to. Using the June 2004 issue as a … Continue reading

Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest Magazine has been around much longer than I have and plays a part in my earliest memories. First published in 1922 by husband and wife team DeWitt and Lila Wallace, only five thousand copies were made in that first run. But only a decade later, Reader’s Digest became the most popular magazine in the United States. Soon the magazine reached worldwide status as well. Today it is read by an estimated 95 million readers around the globe. We had a subscription to Reader’s Digest at my house, and we never let it lapse. I remember delivery days –when … Continue reading

The Friend Magazine

Written especially for the children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Friend Magazine has been in circulation for decades. Designed to help children feel involved in the Church and to share stories that will uplift the reader, the magazine is a great combination of religious reinforcement, fun, and activities. The first few pages of each issue are devoted to a message from a member of the First Presidency of the Church, generally sharing an experience they had when they were children, or relating a story about an exceptional child they know. These messages are meant to … Continue reading

Writer’s Digest Magazine

Are you an aspiring author? Are you already published but seeking ways to hone your craft? One of the most valuable tools you will find to help you in your quest is “Writer’s Digest Magazine.” Each issue features a Brag Board, where readers can write in and share their accomplishments, such as finding an agent to represent them, getting their first article published, overcoming objections from friends and family to find success, etc. I find myself relating to much of what is said by the other readers and it gives me a feeling of unity. The magazine regularly includes a … Continue reading

Baby Talk Magazine: Straight Talk for New Moms

New parents need all the help they can get, and that never changes, no matter how many they have! I’m the mom of four children and I still have questions. “Baby Talk” magazine just may be the source for information we’ve all been searching for. With the goal of educating parents not only in the basics of baby care but in the new discoveries in medical care and inventions to make your life easier, this magazine is a valuable tool in the jungle of parenthood. The best part is — it’s free. I’ll give for example this month’s issue (March … Continue reading