More on childhood bipolar.

A came across a blog written by a psychologist that spoke to me. He was writing about a training he went to on childhood bipolar. When I was working in an inpatient facility for youth I was shocked at how many kids came into my facility with a diagnosis of bipolar, even though they did not meet the diagnostic criteria and clearly had other issues going on. I have previously written on the controversy of bipolar disorder and its diagnosis in childhood. What got me about the blog was that this psychologist was bringing to light some concerns that many … Continue reading

The Controversy of Bipolar Disorder

As I was reading through older blogs to see what has been covered I came across one on bipolar that caught my eye. Bipolar has become an interesting phenomenon in the mental health world. It used to be known as “Manic-Depressive Disorder” and was considered to be rare. Then the new diagnostic criteria came out, and all of a sudden I started seeing it diagnosed more and more. I started hearing “I’m Bipolar” as a reason for behaviors. Children started carrying the label, even though they truly did not meet the full diagnostic criteria. My colleagues and I started questioning … Continue reading

The Difference Between Moodiness and Bipolar Disorder

I was talking to a co-worker the other day and we were discussing a teenage client who has extreme mood swings. One minute he’s happy go lucky, joking and laughing, the next he’s angry at the world and wants to hurt someone. “I’m guessing he’s Bipolar ,” my peer said. I just rolled my eyes. Often people will say things like this when dealing with moody people. After all, most know that people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder have extreme ups and extreme downs. The misconception that most people have is that these ups and downs happen quickly, like mood … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can vary enormously in both severity and type of symptoms between person to person. Therefore the assistance of a psychiatrist will be necessary to help you manage your bipolar symptoms during pregnancy. Lithium and epilum are two of the drugs of choice used to manage the bipolar state and it is best for your baby if you can be as drug-free as possible during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester. Pregnancy can be a physically stressful time, so ensure that your diet is excellent and you get plenty of exercise. The latter can both help with lowering stress … Continue reading

More on Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a major mood disorder in which both manic and depressive episodes alternate over time. The sufferer may exhibit elated, manic-type behavior for up to several months at a time, and then descend into a major depressive episode. In recent years, bipolar disorder has been classified into additional subcategories: bipolar I, bipolar II, unipolar disorder, and cyclothymic disorder. Bipolar I represents the classic bipolar category type with periods of true mania alternating with periods of major depression. Bipolar II is similar to Bipolar I, where major depressive episodes alternate with hypomanic episodes rather than full-blown mania. Mania is … Continue reading

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder (previously known as manic-depression) has been described as “the roller coaster ride from heaven to hell and back”. Sufferers of this condition experience profound depressive episodes which alternate with periods of extreme mania and elation. To understand this distressing disorder better, let’s examine the case of John. People who know John only vaguely could be forgiven for thinking he was two different persons—depending on what mood state he was in at the time. John could be a very quiet, thoughtful, and softly-spoken guy, who was caring and respectful of others, and seemed to suffer from both low self-esteem … Continue reading