The Challenge of Change with Conduct Disorder

I work at a juvenile placement facility for adolescent boys. Today, while we were walking to school, one young man decided to turn around and punch the kid behind him in the face. Pretty much just because he was angry. As I was filling out the incidence report, I noticed that the teen had been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. It made me laugh. Currently at my facility, we have over 250 residents, all teenage boys between the ages of fourteen and twenty. If you look closely, I would guarantee that all but ten have been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. What … Continue reading

Diagnostic Criteria for Conduct Disorder

In previous articles on Conduct Disorder, we looked at some of the genetic and environmental elements which contribute to the development of this condition. Today we look at the diagnostic requisites for a formal diagnosis if conduct disorder. A. A persistent pattern of ignoring the basic rights of others. Age-appropriate rules are repeatedly violated. The presence of three of the following behaviors in the past 12 months, and at least one in the last six months is required. Bullies, threatens or intimidates others Initiates physical fights Uses weapons to facilitate fighting (such as knives, bats, broken bottles, etc) Is physically … Continue reading

Conduct Disorder

Conduct Disorder is one of the newer categories appearing in the official DSM-IV-TR criteria. It has been specially created to describe and categorize children who engage in behaviors that violate societal rules. In effect, Conduct Disorder is a sub-category of Antisocial Personality Disorder which we will be discussing in coming articles. Many children with conduct disorder go on to become juvenile delinquents and have a higher than average rate of drug use. Unfortunately this early manifestation of antisocial behavior is a strong indicator that as the child reaches physical maturity, a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) may be given … Continue reading