Born-Again Christians a Potential Threat to Mental Health Sufferers (2)

In our last blog in this series, we looked at how Joyce, an elder of her church, introduced a victim of sexual crime who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to a “so-called” Christian counselor, the latter telling the afflicted woman that “God had given her this burden to work through”. As I discussed previously, this is a cruel and untrue statement, but to say such things to a person who is distressed and struggling under an enormous load is nothing short of sadistic. And yet these misguided “Christians continue to have the arrogance to believe that they can cure … Continue reading

Born-Again Christians a Potential Threat to Mental Health Sufferers (1)

I’ve written about this topic before. Sadly I have to write about it again. While some born-again Christians are wonderful, caring people, many are not. And one of the areas where they do the greatest amount of damage is when they believe they can “cure” sufferers of depression and other mental illnesses by praying over them and casting out demons. Sadly, another case has come to light where a born-again Christian named Joyce took it upon herself to care for a distressed woman who had been sexually assaulted and now suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. This afflicted woman was also … Continue reading

$5 Million Dollars Raised for Australian Bushfire Victims

The rain poured down in Melbourne, Australia, but it didn’t deter the crowds from attending the concert to raise money for the bushfires that have recently devastated the state of Victoria in south-eastern Australia. While over 200 people died in the bushfires, over 80, 000 people attended the concert in Melbourne, with a sister concert also celebrated in Sydney this weekend. While the news is generally full of unpleasant natural events and the even less pleasant acts of man, today’s headlines focus more on the good will of mankind where people come together to support other in financial and psychological … Continue reading

Not Sick Leave – Heartache Leave!

We are all familiar with sick leave, either paid or unpaid, as part of our employment package. But a Tokyo-based firm, Hime and Company, have introduced the concept of “heartache leave” to their employees. The powers that be at Hime and Company have recognized that the emotional impact of a relationship breakup has a profound effect on their employee’s ability to satisfactorily fulfill their jobs. And hence they allow their employees time to get over the most severe early stages of a long term relationship breakup, This makes sense as women in such a situation are likely to come to … Continue reading

Australian Fires and Community Goodwill

No doubt the news of the devastating bushfires in Victoria, Australia has filtered around newsrooms and living rooms alike around the world. The state of Victoria is reeling from the death of nearly 200 people at last count. And that doesn’t include the injured, the loss of property and cattle and of course the loss of native flora and fauna. The situation has indeed been devastating. And despite the fact that the combination of extremely hot and dry weather combined with one or two firebugs who decided to have some very misguided “fun”, some wonderful things have come out of … Continue reading

Not Being Able to Say Sorry has Far-Reaching Effects

Most of us find it difficult to say sorry from time to time. But it is really worth the effort to ask ourselves “Why?” Because being unable to say “Sorry, I have made a mistake” can cause problems in all areas of our lives. A friend recently encountered a person who ran a jewelry mail order company in Ireland. The representative of this business was categorically unable to apologize for mistakes he had made and consequently has not only lost a customer, but this particular customer will tell others about his poor service and his business will suffer as a … Continue reading

Celebrating Mother’s Day When You Don’t Like Your Mom

You can’t miss the occasion of Mother’s Day. Advertisers refuse to let us. Wherever we turn we are bombarded with loving images of mothers and babies selling giftware from flowers to facials, and everything in between. But what happens if you don’t like your Mom? There is a huge societal rule that says “everyone loves their mom”. This is so imbedded in our psyche that to admit that you don’t actually like your mother often results in surprised looks, sounds of disbelief or even a lecture. “How could you not like your mother?” the naïve, lucky ones say. Sure, mothers … Continue reading

Why it can be hard to lose a parent you dislike (1)

Some of us are really lucky and have parents that we love pretty much equally. They may have vastly different personal qualities, but overall, we would be hard pressed to say which one we prefer. Alternatively, we may have one parent who we dearly love, and the other one is disliked for a number of reasons. So when it comes to losing one of these parents in death, we would assume that it would be far harder to lose the parent we adore. After all, hasn’t the other one been a thorn in our side for as long as we … Continue reading

A Sane Christmas with your Insane Family

Well, perhaps your family isn’t clinically insane, but there are lots of families where dysfunction is as much a part of the family as the heirloom furniture. In our last article, we looked at how the younger sister of a two-daughter family decided her life was too short to go on being abused by her older sister. So Miriam made the decision to formally end her relationship with Rachel, and her Christmases and indeed her life, has been the better for it. Not all of us want or need to be as radical as Miriam in cutting out her sibling … Continue reading

Looking after your Mental Health over Christmas

The holiday period can be a stressful time as families get together and old grievances move from festering mode into an outright screaming match. So how can you make this Christmas a better one in terms of your mental health? The key is to Be Prepared! If you have a history of unhappy Christmases with your family, the first option to consider is whether to see your birth family at all. Where considerable damage has been wreaked by a parent on a child, or by one sibling on another, and there is no hope of change, it can be preferable … Continue reading