Why Do People Care So Little about People with Mental Illness?

I hear some pretty sad stories in my work as a counselor, but the saddest ones are when the family and friends of an emotionally unwell person refuse to help or even try to understand. I know that the sufferer is not deserving of this treatment yet it is relatively common. Why? Because people are afraid of the unknown. The joke is that, if the friends and family were to educate themselves about their loved one’s plight, there would be little reason for fear. Even those people who will mock their family and friends for being “weak” have a modicum … Continue reading

Bags of Rags and Mental Health

This is probably the strangest title for a mental health article I have written lately but the inspiration came from a home and garden warehouse catalog that was dumped in my mail box. I’m not big on perusing catalogs, especially those involving work, but this particular object for sale really popped out of the page for me. Apparently, for $7.50, I can buy a bag of rags. Marketed as Rags in Bags I looked at it, astounded that anyone would sell such an item, much less buy it. Being the psychologist, I was rather aghast at the ramifications of this … Continue reading

Are You Too PC to Hug?

Remember those corny old cards, bookmarks and bumper stickers that proclaimed “Hugs Are Healing”? Well, no surprises for guessing that the authors were correct. Researchers at the UK’s Manchester Metropolitan University in England have concluded what we all suspected: hugs are healing. But scientists warn we are caught in an epidemic of a non-hugging culture where we are either too time-poor to hug, or political correctness gets in the way. This is a sad but true reflection of our times. Teachers are no longer permitted to touch, much less hug, their infant charges, who might benefit from having a hug … Continue reading

Online Counseling Gaining Ground Over Face-to Face Counseling

Counseling has been conducted for over a century via the traditional means of face –to-face interaction complete with either the traditional couch or simply a comfy chair and a glass of water and the ubiquitous box of tissues. While face-to-face counseling will never disappear, the benefits of online counseling using email as the correspondence interface between client and psychologist is on the upswing. And with outstanding results. Researchers have been studying the efficacy of online versus face-to-face counseling and have found that not only is online counseling efficient, but in many instances it outstrips traditional counseling in terms of speed … Continue reading

Does Psychotherapy Work?

This is a question that has plagued psychiatrists and psychologists for many years but it has been finally addressed by Nobel Laureate Dr.Eric Kandel. A neurobiologist whose training in psychiatry lead him to an interest in the efficacy of psychotherapy, Kandel decided to trade his couch for a lab coat to see if psychotherapy actually works. With a string of scientific papers and a plethora of fields of interest – behaviorist psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience and molecular biology – Kandel is no scientific lightweight. Yet he was disappointed that psychoanalysis was not more scientific, i.e. the effects of going to … Continue reading

Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is primarily an anxiety disorder and involves a conscious decision by the child to not speak. It is classified by a persistent failure to speak in very specific situations despite the ability to do so. There is always an underlying psychological reason for the development of the disorder. Mandy is such an example of this puzzling condition. Six years old, she was a happy, well-adjusted child until her parents started having marital difficulties over a protracted time frame. When the marriage finally dissolved, her mother quickly met another man and he moved into the family home. Mandy’s two … Continue reading

What Makes a Psychopath? The Case of Josef Fritzl

Recently, Josef Fritzl, the Austrian father who imprisoned his daughter Elisabeth in an underground enclosure and fathered all seven of her children, was sentenced to life imprisonment himself. Ironically he was to receive the same sentence that he had hoped to give to his child and grandchildren for many more years. Thankfully he was discovered by health authorities due to an illness in one of his incest-created children. Realistically, we will never know what drove this man, or indeed other psychopaths, to do what they do. Their behavior, by definition, goes beyond the norm and therefore becomes difficult for us … Continue reading

Architectural Housing Design Reflects Increasing Social Isolation

Most people over the age of 35 have some awareness of the changing atmosphere of suburban life over the last couple of decades. Leaving aside high rise inner city apartment blocks, most people a mere 20 years ago knew the names of most of their neighbors. Some even had barbeques and football nights together. Everyone kept a subtle eye on each others kids and, more importantly, kids knew their neighbors well enough to be able to call on them in an emergency. This is seldom the case these days. People can love in a suburban street for years and never … Continue reading

“Specialness” of Easter Ruined by Retailers and Indulgent Parents

We’ve just passed through another Easter period and the usual tales of Easter excess have reached my ears once again. Whether or not Easter is celebrated as a religious event in your family, it is still a special time of year for the very least reason that it provides a break in the working and school year. It is a time for family get-togethers or just general unwinding, on a secular if not religious level. Yet the retailers persist in placing Easter eggs out on display almost as soon as Christmas has departed. Certainly after Valentine’s Day has come and … Continue reading

The Increase in “Brat-Camp” Style Documentaries

Even a decade ago, there were few signs of reality TV shows dealing with out-of-control teenagers giving the finger plus a mouthful of verbal abuse to anyone who came near them, but especially their parents. Now they are popping up on our screens regularly, under a variety of names but all with the same goal – to tame these overgrown two-year olds. So, what is happening to our children to turn them into such unpleasant creatures? First we have to consider the ratings that these types of shows pull. Television executives are well ware of the increasing number of seemingly … Continue reading