Hand Holding and Mental Health

The scientists have finally given us conclusive proof of what we all pretty much knew. Holding hands reduces stress. Researchers at the University of Virginia studied couples who described themselves as “happily married” and found, not surprisingly, that the simply act of touching is a very potent stress-relieving activity. The women in the study were given mild electric shocks at known intervals and scrutinized to determine the effects of the stress and whether the comforting presence of a significant other had any affect on the level of stress experienced. Using electrodes to measure numerous bodily functions such as heart and … Continue reading

“I’m a Bad Mother!”

This is a cry that I hear from literally hundreds of mothers, both in the course of my counseling experience and simply from comments dropped by friends, acquaintances and even complete strangers. But it is a particularly poignant cry from mothers who are experiencing emotional upheaval, often chronic in nature, and who also have the added responsibility of caring for children as well as the minefield of mental illness. No matter what the life experience of the mother, whether it be depression, post-partum depression, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder, the concern is the same. “I’m not good enough!” or … Continue reading

The Stigma of being a Mental Health Patient

As if it isn’t bad enough to be besieged by depression, bipolar disorder or any number of conditions that may land you in a medical facility for a period of time, there is the added stigma you as a patient may receive from family members, neighbors, acquaintances, even your work colleagues. While most hospital beds are occupied by people suffering from mental and emotional complaints, the topic is still generally not talked about and many people are reluctant to admit to suffering from a mental disorder of some description. However, when the relevant condition deteriorates such that the sufferer is … Continue reading

Retail Therapy: Good or Bad?

Well, neither. Or both! Like any activity, a little can be uplifting for the spirits, like a good wine after a wonderful meal with friends. But we all know where too much alcohol can lead us. But shopping? Can that be bad for us? Read on! I know a few women who do not indulge in retail therapy, but it is definitely a major pastime of many women. But we’re not just talking shopping here, we are talking about using money to buy items to improve one’s mood. Retail therapy. How useful is it? Let’s look at two cases of … Continue reading

Mental Illness is REAL

My job as a psychologist is to assist people suffering from emotional problems to lead happier, more productive lives via a variety of treatments and techniques. My aim when I started blogging on Families was to provide articles of interest on a wide range of subjects that are part of the human condition. I also sought to provide accurate information about what constitutes a mental disorder and to that end, I usually provide a list of DSM-IV criteria for each disorder so that the reader is made fully aware of both the number and types of criteria that must be … Continue reading

Do You Talk the Talk, but not Walk the Walk?

This week I had to deal with an incident which is unfortunately very common in everyday life, but when it happens to a person suffering from a mental illness or some sort of emotional breakdown, it is even more devastating. It appears the world is not short on people who make promises to others, but at the last minute, will renege without a thought for the devastated person they leave in their wake. Do you do this? Occasionally, we really cannot make good our promises because of extenuating circumstances, but there are people who actually make a habit of making … Continue reading

Are You a Cyberchondriac?

There are hundreds of medical websites online, many offering self-diagnosis. Aligned with these sites are those selling medications online, often without a doctor’s prescription. The combination of these two facilities can be harmful to your health. The British medical journal The Lancet quotes one case where a woman diagnosed herself with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and self-medicated with steroid drugs which she obtained without prescription from Thailand. A few years down the track she was diagnosed with two eye complaints: side effects brought about by the continual use of these drugs. This case is just one of thousands that come to … Continue reading

Life isn’t black and white. It’s a million shades of grey.

Being human, we often look at others through the tunnel vision of our own life experience. But it doesn’t take an Einstein to realize that using our own limited vision of life can lead to discrimination, misunderstandings, even hatred. Although we are much more similar than dissimilar, we all have our own unique upbringing. Some of us have had a relatively easy ride, being born into financial comfortability and possessing a stable and encouraging family life. Others are not so lucky. Some children are born into situations which are, quite frankly, almost guaranteed to remove any hope of that child … Continue reading

Disorder of the Day (1)

Illnesses such as depression, ADHD, and anxiety and behavioral disorders are being diagnosed in increasing numbers throughout First-World countries. While there is little doubt that people are being more up-front about mental illness, is this trend a true reflection of what is really happening in the lives of everyday people? A concerning aspect in this upswing in the use of medication to “solve” these conditions, is the accompanying upswing in the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. While most people have always traditionally wanted a “magic bullet” to solve their health problems, in the area of mental health, the pharmaceutical industry … Continue reading

Do dreams really mean anything?

We all have weird dreams from time to time. Some dreams make no sense at all, others seem to follow recurring themes and visit us at night on a regular basis. Often we are being threatened in a dream and we cannot scream. Another common theme is falling, or tripping over. Sometimes present-day activities will take place in our childhood home of long ago. We dream of people and places that are both strange and very familiar. But do any of these nocturnal adventures really mean anything? Given the number of books on dream analysis that are available and the … Continue reading