How to Help a Suicidal Person (2)

This is the second in a series of articles on dealing with an emergency involving a highly suicidal person. In How to Help a Suicidal Person (1) we covered issues such as not leaving the potentially suicidal person alone, what to say to the person, and the avoidance of physical contact when dealing with a highly disturbed or threatening person. This blog covered issues 1 through 3. Today we look at further coping techniques beginning with: 4. Seek immediate help. Without leaving the person alone (see 2), phone the Mental Health crisis number in your area. If you do not … Continue reading

How to Help a Suicidal Person (1)

What would you do if you suddenly encountered a friend, family member, or even a complete stranger who was showing strong signs of imminent suicide? Few of us are taught what to do in a situation such as this, so let’s look some ways to deal with this extremely difficult situation. 1. Do not get involved physically if the person is highly distressed and/or threatening. In this situation, talking is the best option The longer you can keep the person talking, even if it is only you who is doing the talking, the longer you will delay any dire action … Continue reading

Speaking Ill of the Dead

When I wrote my two recent blogs on suicide expressing my sadness that there are people who still believe that those who commit suicide are selfish, I waited for more of the same. I did not have to wait long. It was initially heartwarming to see that there were two very intelligent and compassionate comments on the dilemma of suicide. You can read them here. Unfortunately, the next comment on this blog reiterates the ignorance surrounding the issue of suicide. This is what this person wrote, and I quote: I do think it’s selfish. People don’t commit suicide because the … Continue reading

Suicide: My Thoughts on One Case

In Suicide: What Do You Think about It? I talked about the varied reactions of people to the phenomenon of suicide. Today I want to talk about a recent example of a typical reaction to suicide, one that I experienced just prior to Christmas, that season of love, family, and pronounced spikes in the annual rate of suicide. The woman in question who took her own life left no note, so the family had no concrete explanation for why she decided to take her own life. Naturally they were upset. I did not know the woman involved but I knew … Continue reading

Suicide: What Do You Think about It?

Since we have just passed through Christmas, the highest suicide period of the year, I thought it was time to address this taboo, yet all-too-common, topic. What do you think about people who commit suicide? This is an interesting question and one that produces a variety of responses. Some people go through their entire lives untouched by the specter of suicide; others have been exposed to it through the deaths of friends or family members. Others still have attempted suicide and have lived to tell the tale. And then there are those who think about it, yet do not take … Continue reading