Childcare Available or Is it?

I’ve always heard that childcare in the military can be a nightmare. Why is that? No, the people aren’t bad, it’s just a popular place. Popular meaning, it is always booked up and hard to use when you really need it. This week I experienced this first hand. Have you ever tried signing up for the childcare service available on the base? If you have then chances are you’ve dealt with hearing they are all booked up. Don’t even attempt dropping them off at the drop in daycare because that too is booked. In the past I have needed to … Continue reading

Operation Military Kids

Remember when summer camp meant being bussed to a lake surrounded by cabins; where you would participate in arts-and-crafts; learn how to paddle a canoe; and stuff your face with s’mores? Nowadays, there seems to be a specialized camp for everything and everyone. From Space Camp to Weight Loss Camp, Foreign Language Camp to Bible Camp and now… Military Camp. Before you get the wrong idea, this camp is not a place parents send their wayward children, rather it is a summer camp program specifically designed for youngsters whose parents are heading off to war. Its official name is: Operation … Continue reading

Helping Children Deal With Postings

Being posted to another military base can be an emotional roller coaster to even the heartiest of military families. My husband and I have been through two major postings in the last five years and with each one come pros and cons, sadness and joy. Our current posting, which has our family moving back “home” to Winnipeg, Manitoba, is a welcome one. Unlike our move to the Trenton Air Force base, we are moving closer to family and friends and back into familiar territory. My husband is fine with the move, I’m overjoyed at the thought of moving back but … Continue reading