Mortgage Relief

Owning a home is still the American dream, but for many of us, that dream is slowly turning into a nightmare. We are all feeling the pinch of this economy. When I bought my home the payment was completely affordable but in the past several years as I’ve had to take pay cuts in order to keep my job, it’s becoming more and more difficult to make that payment every month. It seems that everyone is struggling right now. I know there are people who over extended themselves, bought more house than they could afford and now a majority of … Continue reading

Daily Deal Web Sites and Health Care Deals

Did you know that some of the same daily deal type web sites that you use to help keep little luxuries like spa services and dinners out within your budget can also help you to afford health care services? I was surprised to learn that sites like Groupon and LivingSocial can help consumers to fill in the spaces that are often left by their health insurance coverage. You know, those things that make you wonder why you pay so much for health insurance that does not include them. Things like dental exams and cleanings, eyewear, and the like are often … Continue reading

Is Layaway Your Way to a Debt Free Holiday?

It is Halloween, and it seems as if holiday merchandise has been creeping its way onto store shelves for about a month now. In fact, today we received a toy catalog from Kmart with images of Christmas trees and jingle bells all over it. The next two months are not only a busy time of year, but they can be expensive too. I have noticed lately that stores like Wal Mart, Kmart, and others are advertising that they now offer layaway. When I was younger (back in the 80’s) I remember seeing signs in the stores for layaway. I do … Continue reading

Tips For Applying For A Mortgage

Getting a mortgage is a very big deal. It is probably one of the most major financial decisions that you will ever make, if not the most major. The process can be nerve wracking and time consuming, but there are a few things that you can do to make it a little easier on yourself. The following tips are for you to use before and during the process of applying for a mortgage. If you think that you can just go out and apply for a mortgage and get it, you may be incorrect. Applying for and securing a good … Continue reading

How To Avoid Costly Home Improvement Mistakes

While it is true that updating your home is important for preserving your home’s value, not all home renovation projects result in a return in your investment. It is much better to know this going in to a renovation project instead of finding it out afterwards. Nothing is worse than having a Realtor come to see your house to determine its value and having that Realtor tell you that the very expensive home improvement project that you just completed did not do much to increase your home’s value. So, if you are planning a home improvement project, take note. Here … Continue reading

Is It Almost Time For A New Computer?

If you are like many people, then your computer is an essential part of your home, to say the least. You may use it for work, your family uses it for entertainment, and everyone uses it to stay connected with friends and relatives. Everyone in your house (except perhaps the baby and the dog) uses the computer. How do you know that the computer that you use every day will work tomorrow, when you need to send out that important email or your child has to do some research for a school project? Like many electronics, computers have a life … Continue reading

Sensible Seasonal Spending

It’s the season for crazy spending. After Black Friday, you may be a little tired of seasonal spending already, and I’ll bet that your wallet is as well. What can you do to make the season a little more sensible in the money department? Set a budget, and set one for each individual too. It’s easy to go over budget when you allot a certain amount of money for Christmas, but you forget to itemize your budget. Give each family member a certain budget for a gift or two. If each adult in the family gets a $40 gift, then … Continue reading

Where are the Leaks?

It’s almost fall. It’s time to take a look around your house and prepare it for winter. Let’s check. Do you have any leaks? How about your budget? Looked at that lately? Often, our budgets have holes in them. These holes are the areas that are much larger than they could be, or areas where we consistently go overboard. In my case, it’s the extra food spending and spending for the home. Gifts are also my weakness, although I’m doing a little better in that area these days. Over the past few days, I renovated our budget. I am trying … Continue reading

Creating Pockets of Money

Let me share with you what happens when I go to the bank. The tellers just love me. I stand there with my money or my request to withdraw some money. Then they scroll down through account after account, until finally they ask me where I’m depositing the money. Actually, I do most of my banking online now and I do take pity on the tellers and tell them about my various accounts. Most of them know me, anyway. But there are occasions when a new person is there and on these occasions, confusion ensues. Why am I so confusing? … Continue reading

Budgeting a Large Purchase

Want a new big screen television to ring in the New Year? I don’t blame you; they are certainly all the rage. Plus, those after Christmas sales can be a way to save money on big ticket items. Still, no matter how good the sale, these sorts of purchases can’t come out of our normal miscellaneous expenses in our budget. The key is to find a way to buy what we want without disrupting our cash flow. There are three main ways to budget for a larger purchase, like a car or fancy television. Find the one that works best … Continue reading