Ways to Spend Less in the New Year

If your New Year’s resolution is to cut back on spending, then now is the time to gather tips on how to look for the best deals. After all, spending less doesn’t mean avoiding stores all together. Rather, the goal is to get what you need for the least amount of money. So, how can you accomplish this? Here are some money-saving tips: 1. Look for items in the clearance section. However, don’t buy something just because its price is radically reduced. If you don’t need the item, it’s not a bargain. Instead, you are simply filling your home with … Continue reading

Post-Christmas Shopping Tips

I haven’t even finished clearing the sea of ripped holiday wrapping paper from the living room floor and I’m already being flooded with post-Christmas sale reminders. My email inbox is filled with alerts heralding major day after Christmas deals. Macy’s sent me a link to a WOW! Pass, which allows me to take $10 off my purchase of $25 or more. JCPenney is offering the same deal, while Old Navy is selling women’s jeans for just $15 all-day tomorrow. In addition to the after-Christmas discounts, retailers are poised for an onslaught of shoppers looking to redeem gift cards they’ve collected … Continue reading

Last-Minute Holiday Money Savers

This is it. With just a few hours left until Christmas morning, there is not much time left to procrastinate. If you’ve been holding out on shopping for gifts because you planned to take advantage of last-minute doorbusters, you may be in for a big surprise. Money experts warn that while some stores claim their last-minute deals are major money savers, in most cases they aren’t. In fact, financial wizards are quick to point out that retailers prey on procrastinators and the amazing deals you think you are scoring are in fact not much bigger than those advertised at any … Continue reading

Sticking To Your Holiday Budget

As we head down the final stretch to Christmas Day, stores are pulling out all the stops to lure in last-minute shoppers with sensational seasonal sales. If you have gotten this far sticking to your holiday budget, don’t be tempted by these late season offers. Often, they don’t save you as much money as you’d think. Procrastinators on a budget should stray from big-box retailers during the final days leading up to Christmas. To preserve your budget, head over to the local Dollar Store for economical gift ideas. For example, if you are looking for a last-minute present for your … Continue reading

Thrifty Tips for College Students

Whether you are a parent of a college student or you are a student yourself, you know that college is expensive. What you may not know, and what I wish that I knew when I was in college a few years ago, is that there are some things that you can save money on while you are in college which can add up to significant savings. That’s right, you can have more cash left in your pocket or less money borrowed from student loans and other sources if you do a few things a little differently. For example, when you … Continue reading

You May Not Want To Buy That Gift Just Yet

Did you know that there are a few things that you would be better off waiting until after Christmas to purchase? Even if you plan to give the items as gifts, the sale prices on these items after the holidays are likely to make you think twice before choosing to grab the item now instead of giving a gift card. For example, if you plan to give someone a television this year and you were unable to score one of the super amazing deals that happened on Black Friday, you can give a gift card in the approximate amount that … Continue reading

Wrap Up Your Finances Before The End Of The Year

I am sure that you are very busy preparing for the holidays right now. The thought of squeezing any more to – do’s onto your already gigantic list is probably not very appealing right about now. If you are up to it, though, there are a few things that you can do before the end of the year that could save you some money. Many of these things do not take that long, and the money that you could make or save doing them could help to offset the cost of all of those holiday expenses. Since you get one … Continue reading

Newer is Not Always Better

If it seems like some of your small appliances do not last as long as the ones that you remember your parents having, or even the ones that you had for years before you bought those shiny new replacements, you are probably right. It is true that at least for some items, they really do not build them like they used to. If you are lucky enough to have some of these items in your attic (or basement), you may want to give them a second chance before getting rid of them and buying a newer model. Furniture is one … Continue reading

Three Things You Could Stop Buying

Did you know that there are a few things that many people buy that are, for the most part, pretty useless? Okay, so there probably more than a few useless things out there but I have decided to focus on just a handful of common items that are simply not worth the money that you spend on them. Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion – you might agree with some of the things on this list and disagree with others, or you may disagree with the whole thing. Many people do not need unlimited cell phone … Continue reading

Funerals and Finances

Have you ever stopped to think about your funeral? Most people don’t unless we’re at a service for someone else, and then we might comment to our spouse, “Don’t bury me in a coffin like that.” Then we just go on our way without saying much more. But you can save not only hassle, but money, if you take the time to think about it now. My dad passed away eighteen months ago. He and his wife had purchased a package from the local mortuary that included their viewing, caskets, funeral programs, embalming, flowers … the only thing it didn’t … Continue reading