Should You Take A Personal Loan to Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

People take out loans for many reasons such as buying a home, buying a car, or getting an education. Personal loans are also available, and sometimes people wonder whether it is a good idea to take out a personal loan to pay off credit card debt. There are many factors that will impact whether taking such a loan is the right thing for a person to do. Exploring these factors can help you to get a sense of whether it might be the right choice for you or something you can avoid. There are other ways to pay off credit … Continue reading

How to Transition From Using Credit Cards to a Cash Based Lifestyle

If you would like to stop using credit cards because you have not been able to use them the way that you had intended to use them, there are some things that you can do to make a transition over to a mostly cash (and debit card) based way of life. You may want to do this sooner rather than later, especially if you have quite a bit of credit card debt. In fact, if you have enough credit card debt that you are having trouble paying, the transition to a cash and debit card based existence may be forced … Continue reading

Don’t Pay Off Your House!

I had the most interesting conversation with a lawyer last night. He was telling me and my husband some ways to improve our credit scores and how to prepare for home ownership, and he said something that made both my eyebrows go up. He said that we shouldn’t be in too big of a hurry to pay off a house once we get it. Pretend there are two families, and they each buy a home for $200,000. Family A makes the regular monthly payment, and Family B puts every penny into paying it down faster. Some time goes by, and … Continue reading

The Debt Snowball – A Good Strategy For Any Season

Over the past few days, a few more inches of snow has fallen where I live. Yesterday while I was outside, I realized that the recent snow is the kind of snow that makes good snowballs. This means that it is a good time to talk about one sensible strategy for getting out of debt – the debt snowball. I first heard about the debt-elimination method called the debt snowball when I read Dave Ramsey’s book, “The Total Money Makeover”. It is an effective method for getting out of debt, and I think that part of its effectiveness is that … Continue reading

Dealing with Medical Bills Debt

Are you looking for ways to get out of debt? Debt is a common problem. If it’s not enough that you own a house and a car, you may find yourself swimming in medical bills. This has been an ongoing issue in my family. My 11 year old son has had asthma since he was a year old. Fortunately it is not a frequent problem but when it does flair up, it always requires a trip to the emergency room. For some reason his asthma can’t be managed at home and so it requires medical intervention. ER visits are expensive. … Continue reading

Repaying Your Debt

You have some extra money, or you’re cutting back so that you can make some progressive financial changes in your life. Congratulations! Now comes the confusing part. Where do you put the money? If you have debts, take a look at their rates of interest. You may have everything ranging from a zero-interest loan from family or a bank to a credit card that charges upwards of 18% in interest. These debts are not created equal. Ideally, you want to get rid of those that are costing you a lot of money in interest. Take a look at your debts … Continue reading

Frugality Vs Risk

I have two competing money styles going on in my life these days. One is a frugal streak a mile wide, although it seems to have diminished to half a mile these days. This frugal streak comes from my upbringing. My parents were not particularly frugal, but money was always an issue. I remember many concerns about money when I was growing up, so as a young adult, my response to this was to be as tight with money as I could possibly be. This was facilitated by the fact that I didn’t have much of it to begin with. … Continue reading

Debt Settlement

This morning I saw a commercial for a debt forgiveness program. It’s not the first time I’ve seen the commercial and other ones like it. It sounds really great. Just wipe away your credit card debt without declaring bankruptcy. I’ve known for years that you can call your creditors and negotiate a repayment of a fraction of what you owe. The theory is that the creditor will be grateful for any payment and a settled account is better than one that ends in default. What you’ll find, though, is that creditors don’t want to settle the debt. Why should they? … Continue reading

Debt Reduction Summary

Over the past week, I have discussed many ways to approach a do it yourself debt reduction and credit repair plan. A lot of your approach will depend on your situation, so I covered a variety of different angles. Consolidation loans are one of the options to consider when you have many creditors. These are particularly useful if your credit score is still good or if you have a lot of equity in your home. That way, not only can you often create one loan payment, you can often also reduce the interest you are paying. The key warning with … Continue reading

DIY Debt Reduction – Get Rid of Stuff

How exactly did you get into debt anyway? Was it from buying too much stuff? Were you living beyond your means? If this is you, I have an entirely different approach for your situation! If your debt is due to an over need to shop, the first step is to stop using credit. If your middle name is shop-a-holic, or if you just can’t resist buying the next cool thing… you should not have even ONE credit card. This sort of addiction can cost you. Cut up all your cards now!! Once you stop the bad habit, the next item … Continue reading