Amazon Mom is the best online shopping stop. You can buy almost everything there and the prices are good. The user reviews are worthwhile and helpful. I have rethought my buying choices based on reviews on the site. You can create lists to remember things that you want to get. I have a list dedicated to books on parenting that I want to look into. I am the parent of a very strong-willed toddler and need good ideas on what to do. I have lists for each of the girls so I can keep tabs on things I want to get … Continue reading

Save Money on Medical Bills

Do you pay attention to the medical bills you receive, or do you just pay them and forget about it? Do you pay your medical bill the day it is due, or once the insurance has processed it? Do you read all those forms that the insurance company sends you regarding service provided? Medical bills and insurance can be tricky to figure out, but it is important to stay on top of it. Recently I had my third child. This time I was able to deliver naturally—meaning no epidural, no pain medication of any kind. The reason I bring this … Continue reading