Saving Money on a New House

One of the easiest ways to save on a mortgage is by making a substantial down payment. The larger your down payment, the less you will have to pay on a monthly basis. In most cases, home buyers are required to cough up at least 20 percent of a home loan in order to avoid Private Mortgage Insurance. Whereas it would be wonderful if we could all put down 20 to 30 percent of our dream home’s total price, many potential buyers struggle to come up with even half that. Fortunately, for many first-time homebuyers, down payment assistance is available. … Continue reading

Ways to Save: Savvy Shopping

I’ve seen TLC’s megahit, “Extreme Couponing” on many occasions, and each time I view it I’m left asking this question: Where are these people shopping that they can double or triple their coupons? Clearly, not in Wisconsin. I don’t know of any grocery store in the state that doubles coupons. And if I am wrong, I would love for you to let me know. I could actually save money if I’m incorrect. What a concept. I am an avid coupon-er, though I don’t dumpster dive nor do I steal newspapers from other people’s homes. Rather, I simply use what I … Continue reading

There’s No Place like Home …

And yet, having a home of one’s own seems like a nearly impossible dream in this economy. It takes a long time to save up the money necessary for a down payment, and having a large down payment seems the only way to bring the monthly payment down to where it can really be afforded. Many renters feel trapped right now, thinking that they will never be able to break out of their current situation and achieve their dream of ownership. My husband and I own our trailer home, but it’s only a three-bedroom, two bath, and with four children, … Continue reading

A Few Great Tips From Suze Orman

Suze Orman is definitely one of the first people that come to mind for many people when they think of personal financial advice. Many people have seen Suze on television or heard her on the radio dispensing her unique brand of unfiltered, get-real financial advice to people in all kinds of predicaments. Personally, I am terrified of the woman. If Suze Orman were to get within a hundred miles of my finances, she would cringe. I am fairly certain that if she were ever to advise me on my finances, I would be in tears within minutes because she would … Continue reading

Avoid Feeling Deprived

The best way to save money is to set it aside and not spend it. That’s a simple thing, right? Not too hard to figure out? But sometimes when we want to save money, we must do without some of our little personal favorite things in order to have money left over to save. It might be that special body lotion we love, or our favorite snack items, or a date night. We may have to sacrifice in order to create money for our future, and while that is noble and good, we are human. And humans feel deprived when … Continue reading

Where to Find Money to Save

I’ve been a good saver, and I’ve been a poor saver. After saving money for a large trip all year, I’m ready to start replenishing our emergency fund again. But where do I begin? Where can you find money to save? Here are some resolutions that I’m making for the new year. As the money we make gradually increases, something happens: it seems to disappear. That’s an amazing feat it can do, this money of ours. While I’d like to think that it is secreted away under the mattress, waiting for a rainy day, the fact is that it has … Continue reading

Moonlighting for a goal

Sometimes it can be hard to save money. Perhaps you just don’t have enough coming in, or maybe it is difficult to figure out where to cut your budget. Large or long-term financial goals can also seem quite intimidating. We are saving for a large trip right now, and if I looked at the amount I need to save, I think that I’d quit. Instead, I’ve made a savings plan and I’m sticking to it, and the money is gradually adding up. Large financial goals are where moonlighting can come in. Whether you’re saving for a home renovation or a … Continue reading

Keep The Change

When I was in my early 20s I worked for Wells Fargo bank. I spent about four years there and started my tenure in 24-hour customer service. It never ceased to amaze me how many of our customers didn’t track their purchases or even attempt to balance their accounts. When the accounts would overdraft, the customers were certain it had to be the bank’s error. A practice that I heard about frequently and could not understand was when customers would round up the dollar amount in the register instead of logging in the actual transaction amount. The customers were convinced … Continue reading

Get Rich!

Okay, yes, I know… we all want to get rich, right? Well, like all good things, money comes to those who wait. Just like anything worth working for, losing weight or gaining income, the slow turtle is the one who wins the race. There is no real get rich quick scheme. Certainly every so often, someone does win the lottery, but the chances that would be you are so slim – you can’t even plan on it. However, you can do some things where you can plan to gain money from them. 1. Start now; start young! The sooner you … Continue reading

Look for Opportunities

Where many people see dead ends, others see an opportunity. There is no truer place for this then with money. As the stock market continues on a downtrend and the housing bubble bursts, most of us see the current road to money success as a dead end. Instead, we have to learn to change our thinking. Every ending is actually a beginning. Where a financial opportunity seems to fail, actually another one is brewing. Start looking at losses as potential gains. With this attitude in mind, you will set yourself apart in terms of making money work for you. Let’s … Continue reading