Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer (2002)

“Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer” was a made-for-television documentary that first aired in 2002. Now available to watch and own, I pounced on it like a starving bird on a worm – I’m sure you’ve noticed my deep and abiding love for that man. The film was a fascinating look behind the scenes at what made Gene great. He was born into a family of dancers. His mother opened a dance studio and for years, that’s how the Kellys earned their living. As a principle teacher in that studio, Gene realized at an early age what a contribution he … Continue reading

Grey’s Anatomy – Season 3 (2007)

Grey’s Anatomy is a super smash of a hit that is known more for the scandals backstage involving Isaiah Washington and T.R. Knight than the storylines from Season 3. This may be due to the fact that a show that delivered measurable doses of hope, angst, humor and tragedy needed a stomach pump to clear some of the bad medicine delivered in Season 3. Tragedies Abound The season opened with the aftermath of Denny Duquette’s death. Katherine Heigl played Izzy’s grief well and it was a journey to see her begin to put back the shattered pieces of her life … Continue reading