The Bucket List (2007)

We went to this initially because my husband is a fan of Jack Nicholson’s work and we’d heard good reports about the movie. Edward Cole’s hospital corporation he worked to build up runs in a business-like manner. ‘Two to a room no exceptions,’ he says. That is, until he becomes ill himself and finds himself in a room with Carter Chambers played by Morgan Freeman. You would not find two more different people in looks, status, and attitudes on the earth than these two. Edward played by Jack Nicholson,is so rich he barely knows what to do with all his … Continue reading

Top Ten Movies of the Summer

Autumn is literally right around the corner and in some areas it’s already started to cool down. It feels wonderful outside right now, a balmy 70 degrees, but with the advent of autumn comes the fall release of the summer movies to DVD. Now’s as good a time as any to review what was great about the summer of 2007 at the movies! Summer Fun The following top ten movies are compiled not by sales or record breaking figures but by one attribute and one attribute alone: how much fun were they? 10. Spiderman 3 – Peter Parker won our … Continue reading