4 Out of Ten LGBTQ+ Youth Are Considering Moving Out Of Their Home State

LGBTQ+ youth are incredibly concerned and aware of the political landscape. As state policies continue to endanger laws around access to gender-affirming healthcare, a new Trevor Project Survey shows that these young people are far more likely to considering moving from state to state, Parents reported. The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ young people. The report analyzed data showing the overlap between LGBTQ+ youth’s perceived safety and mental well-being, and state policies. It then used information from the Movement Advancement Project to assess the social and political landscapes that led … Continue reading

What Is Your Parenting Style?

Parents.com wrote: From authorities to authoritative, permissive to neglectful, we’re breaking down different types of parenting styles. Which one do you practice? Your parenting style can affect everything from your child’s self-esteem to their academic success. It’s important to ensure your parenting style supports healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child — and how you discipline them — will influence them for the rest of their life. Researchers have identified four main parenting styles that take a unique approach to raising children: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. People want to know which parenting style they’re … Continue reading

Most Infuriating Challenges to Free-Range Parenting

Reason reported stories from 2024 that drove free-range parents crazy. Child Reported Walking: As Reason was the very first to report, authorities charged Georgia mom Brittany Patterson with “reckless conduct” after her son, age 10, walked to town — population 370 — without. telling her. The cops came to her home, handcuffed her in front of her kids, and threw her in jail. Child services then tried to require Patterson to track her child at all times. Child Reported Bicycling: “The police were called because my 8-year-old was riding her bike on our street,” Kentucky mom Kay Eskridge told Reason. … Continue reading

How To Avoid Conflicts During Holiday Gatherings

Thanksgiving might be a time for gratitude and spending time with loved ones, but visiting family during holidays can often be stressful for many people. While some might look forward to making more cherished memories with their close circle, those same gatherings may be a source of dread for others, Yahoo! Life reported. In fact, more than half of Canadians find holiday seasons to have a negative impact on their mental health, according to a Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) survey. Moreover, 52 percent of those reported they have increased feelings of anxiety and depression.  There are many factors that … Continue reading

How To Be A Lighthouse Parent

Lighthouse parenting combines the most important aspects of raising children: nurturing, loving, protecting, and communicating with them. Much like a lighthouse, parents provide a stable source of guidance for their children while still maintaining a healthy balance of stepping in and allowing them the freedom to grow and learn on their own, parents.com reported. On the spectrum of parenting styles, lighthouse parenting hovers right around the middle — not as involved as a helicopter parent, but not as hands-off a a free-range parent. However, this approach may not be effective for every child. “Lighthouse parenting straddles the line where you’re … Continue reading

Authoritarian Parenting Can Be Harmful To Children

Are you a more strict parent than your friends? Is your refrigerator decorated with chore charts and house rules rather than handprint art? Do you expect your children to obey you, even if you don’t explain your reasoning? If so, you likely have an authoritarian parenting style. You have high expectations of your kids and won’t put up with any of that “kids will be kids” nonsense, according to Parents.com. While authoritarian parenting may seem effective in the short term, parenting experts and pediatricians agree it’s not the best parenting style in the long run. That’s because kids parented in … Continue reading

APA Issued A Health Advisory On Social Media Use in Adolescents

American Psychological Association (APA) issued information about the potential risks of content, features, and functions regarding the science of how social media affects youth.  Almost a year after APA issued its health advisory on social media, use in adolescence, society continues to wrestle with ways to maximize the benefits of these platforms while protecting youth from the potential harms associated with them. By early 2024, few meaningful changes to social media platforms had been enacted by industry, and no federal policies had been adopted. There remains a need for social media companies to make fundamental changes to their platforms. According … Continue reading

Playful Parenting: Learning To Be Playful With Your Kids

It’s easy to get stuck in a parenting rut, and let’s face it: parenting can sometimes feel a little like “Groundhog Day”— the same routines on repeat day in, day out. While routine and structure are incredibly important for our children (and us!) we can sometimes forget to have fun, according to BabyChick. We feel tired and don’t have the energy to get down on the ground and play with our kids, or we’ve simply forgotten how to let go, be spontaneous and whimsical, and use our imaginations. However, playful parenting can be an important tool or approach when it … Continue reading

Grandparents Share Brutally Honest Opinions About Modern Parenting

The practices and norms around raising kids shift over time, with each generation of parents redefining an age-old role. Sometimes, this shifts are based on new research, technologies or cultural trends; other times, they’re a response to how the previous generation did thing, BuzzFeed reported (via Yahoo! News). Millennials and younger Gen-Xers with kids today are generally parenting in a more conscious way than their own parents did. For better or worse, they have a lot more information, advice, and opinions at their fingertips than the parents who came before them. Because each generation has their own perspective on the … Continue reading

The New Parenting Trend is “Inchstones”

Tracking and celebrating milestones are a big part of the parenting experience. From the first birthday to the first word to the first day of school, there are many opportunities for excitement, HuffPost reported. Recently, parents have been injecting fanfare into the smaller moments as well. Indeed, Pinterest’s latest trend predictions going into 2024 suggest that more caregivers are embracing “inchstones.” What exactly are inchstones? As the name suggests, “inchstones” stand in contrast to milestones. An inchstone could be half a birthday, a lost tooth, or the first time a kid puts on their shoes without help. It’s about the small steps … Continue reading