The Look

Rebecca my nine year old daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies and George my ten year old wanted to walk the neighborhood with her. Now if you look at them you would not know they were brother and sister unless you look beyond the skin color. They have the same face shapes and eyes but George is African American/Caucasian and Rebecca is Caucasian. When he would walk up to the door he would tell them that his sister was selling Girl Scout cookies and would they like to buy some. The look at some of their faces is like are … Continue reading

Practice Went Great

If you read my last entry you know that my 9 year old daughter Rebecca wanted to quit her basketball team because she was the only Caucasian person on the team. When we talked about it and she gave it some thought she agreed that she should give them a chance. So when my daughter went to her next basketball practice she made a point to introduce herself to a couple of the girls closer to her height, she complimented other girls about how good they were and even asked if they would show her some of the things they … Continue reading

A New Way To Look At It

All three of our kids wanted to join the local recreation center youth basketball teams. Our two sons were put on the same team. George did not want to have Steve on his team. When I asked him why and he said that he just did not want to have to explain why his brother is white and he is not. You would think that after all this time he would be over this but he just says he does not want to answer any more people because it is none of their business. He is right it is none … Continue reading

Just Because

My son was sitting around with us this past weekend and he mentioned that someone in his class asked him why he had a sister and brother who was white. Now in case you do not know we adopted a sibling group that consists of 2 Caucasians and a bi-racial son who is part African American. They all have the same biological mother and just different dads. We have always been open and honest with them and they all have known that they are adopted but they also know that they are brothers and sisters. I asked my son what … Continue reading

Are You Ready For A Multi Racial Family

If you are considering adopting a child or children that are not part of your own race there are a few other things that you need to take into consideration. If you are considering it you are willing to welcome a child into your heart that does not look like you, great we did too. Have you considered that when you do welcome that child into your hearts that you will no longer be like the majority of other families? Are you ready for that? Have you given any consideration to what your friends and extended family may think? Think … Continue reading

Shocker at Our Meeting

Tonight at Girl Scouts we were talking about what makes everyone different and special. When it came time for my daughter Rebecca who is 8 to share she mentioned she is adopted and that she has a brother who is black and one that is white. Now you would have thought Santa walked in the room with his Naughty or Nice list, the girls all sat there with their eyes nice and wide and their mouths hanging open. Poor Rebecca looked at me like what did I say that was wrong. I jumped in (benefit of being troop leader) and … Continue reading

Where Do Kids Learn These Things

I was sitting here talking to my middle son George and just a reminder he is bi-racial son. We were talking about the friends that he has made and I asked if he had a girl that he liked. George is only 10 so he is not able to date but I was interested to see what he would say. He mentioned that there were a few girls at his school that he liked. I asked him what they look like and the first thing out of his mouth that he would never like a white girl! Well that was … Continue reading

A Lesson In Humility

So my husband is in the hospital, and the kids and I have been going up every night to visit. Tonight we had a new nurse that came in and said how nice it was that one of our kids friends came to visit too. The kids looked at each other wondering who she meant. Now we knew exactly what she meant, and I am sure that the nurse never would have said that had she had known all of our kids are adopted. This got me thinking about how with all the publicity with stars going to adoption for … Continue reading

Fashion Trends

One issue that some people have with inter-racial adoption is that Caucasian parents are unable to help an African American child understand and embrace their heritage and racial identity. We have tried very hard to make sure that every area of our lives is racially blended. We have tried to be all inclusive in our lives however there are some parts of the younger generation that I do not feel comfortable with allowing our kids to participate in. There are some fashion trends that tend to follow racial lines that I do not feel comfortable with allowing anyone in my … Continue reading

Where Do Kids Learn Stereotypes?

I was driving with my daughter Rebecca and one of her friends the other day and they were singing to the radio and a rap song came on and I changed the station. I just don’t like rap and I don’t think eight year olds need to listen to it. When I changed the station Rebecca’s friend asked why I changed the station and I explained that I just did not think they needed to listen to it and besides I don’t like rap so I did not want to listen to it. The reason I am mentioning this is … Continue reading