Attitudes Portray that Rapists Can’t Control Urges

A recent study of 2000 Victorian (Australia) adults supports that ALMOST two in five people think that men who rape do so because they can’t control their urges. The Violence Against Women Community Attitudes Project also discovered that one in four people believe domestic violence is acceptable as long as the perpetrator genuinely regrets it afterwards. Is it any wonder then that one in five women will experience intimate partner violence in their relationship? Chief Executive Officer of VicHealth, Dr Rob Moodie, sadly stated that the attitudinal figures showed negative attitudes that cause harm to women are still prevalent in … Continue reading

Outrage at the Raping Comments of an Islamic Cleric

Opposing secular, spiritual and political groups have today joined together in their outrage against the raping comments of an Australian Islamic cleric. In a Ramadan sermon, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilaly, reportedly compared “women who wore make-up and dressed immodestly to meat that attracted cats.” The Australian, (Australia’s major national newspaper) quoted the cleric as saying, “If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered … Continue reading

The NET worth of a sexual predator.

Sexual predators defraud where ever and when ever they can. Like trolls prettied up as princes, they permeate every part of society and pick their targets from where ever they can access them: including the internet. They know no class or gender bounds; they instead pick anyone who falls for their fraudulent and cowardly manipulation. Their net casts over us all, yes, even those members on Be careful, be warned, be vigilant of whom you share personal information with. I have already had a dubious contact through It was dealt with, the person banned immediately, and there has … Continue reading

How You Can Interfere in Opportunistic Prostitution

Opportunistic Prostitution is the exchange of a required good, instead of money, for sexual favors. In its simplest form, in consensual situations, it’s where one party has sex with another because the other paid for dinner, bought an expensive gift, or said nice things. Ummm…sounds like some marriages I know of. A strange view of consensual sex, opportunistic prostitution is not uncommon amongst our young people. Much blame is placed upon young street kids for being promiscuous. Often what the kids are doing is just surviving. Entering into opportunistic prostitution keeps them alive and safe. They exchange sex with someone … Continue reading

Rock Spiders and Short Eyes: Do We Need Tougher Sentencing.

It is no secret that I am a believer in truth in sentencing for child sexual offenders: pedophiles, predators, perpetrators, abusers, rock spiders, kiddie fiddlers or short eyes. Call them what you will. They all belong to a club whose mission statement is to sexually abuse our children. It is also no secret that I err on the side of caution when it comes to long-term protection of children. I subscribe to the belief that a released child sexual offender will most likely recommit sexual crimes against children. I long for the day where program statistics will convince me otherwise. … Continue reading

Sexual Abuse of Boys: Mebe IS NOT Having a Whale of a Time.

This is the second article on Mebe – an adult male sexually abused as a child. To read Mebe’s background story, click here. When Mebe chose his fictious name for this series of articles, he originally decided upon Moby. He reasoned that he looked like Moby Dick – large and whale like. Although he laughed at his own comparison, there was a degree of shame and embarrassment attached. After our brief discussion about his name, he pulled a packet of sweets out of his bag and began eating them. Mebe identified that sweets bought him comfort. Nobody liked him, he … Continue reading

When Bad Things Happen Again and Again.

It is not uncommon for a woman or child to reveal that many different perpetrators have sexually abused them throughout their life. There are neuropsychological and cognitive theories to explain why this happens. This does not mean that these theories are correct; it is just a way to help us understand how it is possible for one good person to attract so many bad things. What really gets me angered is when I hear people comment that the child or woman must be lying; that it is impossible for anybody to be sexually abused that many times. It is possible, … Continue reading

Drink spiking: A Rapists Favorite Game (Continued).

This article has been continued from Drink Spiking: A Rapists Favorite Game. Who are the victims of drink spiking? All types of people have become victims of drink spiking, however the majority of reported Australian victims are young women aged between fifteen and thirty. Where does drink spiking happen? Most cases of drink spiking happen at nightclubs and pubs. However, there have also been incidents of drink spiking at private parties, school functions and restaurants. What can I do to prevent my drink being spiked? • Make sure you don’t leave your drink unattended. If you need to go somewhere … Continue reading

Drink spiking: A Rapists Favorite Game.

October is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Queensland, Australia. Given that I am a sexual assault therapist and have seen many women who claim to have been drink spiked and raped as a result, I thought it fitting to provide an awareness article on the heinous practice of drink spiking. Drink spiking can, and does, happen to anyone – even those people who don’t drink alcohol when they’re out. As a parent, I worry about my children being drink spiked and I offer this two part article for your information and precaution. When a drink is spiked it means that … Continue reading

I was Abused by Five different Predators as a Child: Sophie’s story.

Sophie (real name changed to protect her identity) is a woman I have had contact with over the last few years. She has bravely agreed to share her story for a exclusive and for the purpose of raising awareness during Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Thank you Sophie. Our collective respect is with you. Please Note: Some words have been edited to make them acceptable for public viewing. Sophie’s story: “I’m now 38. Can you believe it? I never though I’d make it this far. Between the ages of seven and 15 there is only a 12 month period where … Continue reading