Speech: One to Two Years

Between the ages of one and two your child’s comprehension of language grows by leaps and bounds. You no longer have to wonder if he understands you because he will show you by his actions that he does. When you announce it’s time to go, you’ll find him getting his shoes or waiting by the door. If you ask if she wants a snack she’ll respond yes or no. During this time your child should start being able to follow simple commands such as “Give me your cup,” and answer questions like “Where is your nose?” Although your child may … Continue reading

It’s Been One of Those Days!

It has just been one of THOSE DAYS! As a mom or dad I’m sure you can relate. The morning started out all right. I got my son off to school and breakfast for my girls. Then I decided to get some writing done and settled down at the computer while my girls were playing upstairs. Then my four-year old came to me crying, holding a soaking wet dress-up dress, and informed me that my two-year old had put it in the toilet. So I dashed upstairs to find Kelsey giving her teddy bear a bath in the toilet. The … Continue reading

Potty Training: Is Your Child Ready?

You might be interested to learn that the average age of potty learning is 30 months with normal ranges between 18 – 60 months of age. Boys, on average, train two months later than their female counterparts. Is it surprising, then, to find out that children are physiologically ready to potty train at the age of 18 months old? So what’s the delay? Namely, disposable diapers offer us the convenience of laziness! Fifty years ago when disposable diapers were not an option, parents were highly motivated to get their children out of cloth diapers to lessen their own work loads. … Continue reading

Surviving the Clothing Battle

My two year old insists on choosing her own clothes. If I dress her in something she doesn’t want to wear she’ll just cry, until I take it off. This is the reason she is wearing her Dora the Explorer bathing suit in her birthday pictures. She insisted on wearing it, and took off the clothes I had chosen for her. If this sounds familiar read on for some tips on helping you and your child survive the clothing battle. Pick Your Battles If you aren’t going anywhere there’s no reason your child can’t wear the clothes they choose, even … Continue reading

Activities for Toddlers. When’s the right time?

I heard a joke once where they were poking fun at the birth order of children. It included things like – with the first child, we change their diapers every hour whether they need it or not, with the second one, we change their diapers every two to three hours if needed and with the third, we change their diapers if somebody starts to complain about the smell or you see it sagging at their knees. Another really funny part of the joke had to do with activities and it went something like this: With the first child, you take … Continue reading