Movember Launches Family Man Online Parenting Program for Fathers

Family Man, the world’s first online parenting program specifically for fathers, launched in the United States by leading men’s global health chairty Movember. Family Man is a free, online course designed to equip fathers of children between the ages of 2-8 with the practical skills needed to cope with frustrating situations. Drawing on the research-based principles of positive parenting, Family Man uses the latest parenting strategies that support happier homes and better mental health. “There is a huge amount of research that shows parenting is more effective when it’s done as a team,” said Jane Endacott, Director of Digital Health … Continue reading

A Dad’s Influence

You have likely heard the question, “Where have all the good men gone?” Perhaps you have even uttered those words yourself. Well, apparently they exist. Just check out their website, “The Good Men Project.” They recently published an article, “25 Failsafe Rules for Dads Raising Daughters.” I forwarded this onto my husband and suggest you do the same, unless you are a dad who happens to be reading this blog. Coming from the perspective of a teen, I want to focus on a couple of these rules. The first is the #1 rule listed: “Tell her she’s pretty, but tell … Continue reading

Record-Breaking Baby Daddy

If guys could get pregnant, I’m pretty sure Desmond Hatchett wouldn’t be making headlines for fathering 30 children. And I’m not talking about Duggar-style procreating. The infamous sperm donor, whom Dr. Drew calls a “menace to society,” has 30 children by 11 different women. Hatchett briefly caught the eye of the media back in 2009 when his notorious spawning tally stood at 21 children. Now, the 33-year-old baby daddy is back in the news, and it’s not because he has since added nine more children to his brood. According to reports, Hatchett is begging the state of Tennessee to help … Continue reading

Fathers Finding the Balance

From books to TV, magazines to the Internet, it is not hard to find mothers venting about how difficult it is to find the perfect balance between work and child rearing. Juggling a career plus the responsibilities that go along with being a wife and mother takes a tremendous amount of energy, discipline, patience, and hard work. However, according to a new survey, moms are not the only ones trying to do it all and feeling like failures in the process. Researchers at the Boston College Center for Work and Family recently released the results of a survey in which … Continue reading

The Man Called “Dad”

Forget about the flailing economy, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and other international and domestic upheavals, according to President Barack Obama, being a father to his two young daughters is one of his toughest jobs… but also the most rewarding. In honor of Father’s Day, the president devoted his Saturday radio and Internet address to fatherhood, and didn’t shy away from speaking about his own perceived failings as dad to daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, 10. Obama also spoke about growing up without his own father. “I felt his absence. And I wonder what my life would have … Continue reading

Scary Parents

There’s only one word to describe the rumor, which claims that Jon Gosselin is planning to write a book on parenting—-SCARY!! The ultimate bad dad penning a tell-all about the lessons he has learned as the father of a large and famous family? Spare me! For the record, shortly after the rumor that Gosselin and leadership coach Dr. Sylvia Lafair planned to team up to write the alleged parenting book detailing the trials and tribulations that come with raising twin girls and spirited sextuplets, the former TLC reality TV star took to Twitter to share this: “Just to clear the … Continue reading

What a Catch! What a Dad!

Three-year-old Emily Monforto may not know it, but she is one lucky kid. While other children her age have dads that give new meaning to the word “selfish,” young Emily’s pop, is making headlines for his selfless fathering. Steve Monforto couldn’t believe his luck when he made the grab of a lifetime at a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game earlier this week. Monforto lunged so far over the railing to snag Jayson Werth’s foul ball in the fifth inning against Washington, fans sitting near him thought he was going to take a header into the stands below him. Fortunately, Moforto’s spectacular … Continue reading

Not So Bad Dad

With guys like Jon Gosselin, Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson and the jerk who poisoned his kids for cash, still living and breathing, it’s easy to see why dads get dissed a lot in the media. But, not all dads are bad. In fact, some are down right nice. Just ask Joe Girardi’s daughters. New York Yankees’ manager Joe Girardi is the father of three children, and knows the importance of keeping the bond between child and parent strong. Girardi made headlines recently when he modified rules that put restrictions on players’ kids having access to their dads in the clubhouse. … Continue reading

The Importance of Dad’s in Raising Teen Girls

Some recent comments on a few teen based blog posts here at has called out Dad’s and their absence in the life of teen girls. As the mother of both a male and female teen, I have to admit that my husband and I tend to team off according to sex. My daughter and I have our girl things, and my husband and son have their boy and tech stuff. There are few people alive who would poo-poo the importance of the value of the father in a boy’s life, especially the life of a male teen. However, few … Continue reading

Michael Jackson the Father

They look like each other, but nothing like the man they called “dad.” Still, that didn’t seem to matter to the offspring of Michael Jackson. Prince Michael Jackson, 12, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 11, and Prince Michael Jackson II a.k.a. “Blanket,” 7, were reportedly near their father when he suffered an apparent cardiac arrest in his home earlier today. He may have been the King of Pop, but some believed that Michael Jackson was far from the King of Pops. Prior to his death, critics slammed Jackson for his lack of parenting skills. The singer’s rarely seen children have spent … Continue reading