Bad Dads Strike Again: Father Poisons Kids for Cash

Here’s another one for you guys. And by guys I mean gals. And by gals I mean moms. Outraged moms let their fury fly via comments left on my previous blogs detailing the sick, twisted and demented doings of bad dads from coast-to-coast. However, before I share this latest loser with the group I should note that I am by no means a dad basher by trade. It’s just that these guys make it so easy. Their reprehensible actions are constantly making headlines, and frankly some of what they do is simply too outrageous not to address. In all fairness, … Continue reading

Worst Father of the Year Award: And the Winner is… Alec Baldwin?

This is a tough one. It wouldn’t be, if these grown men, who were blessed with healthy children, didn’t engage in such extraordinarily despicable behavior. So does the award go to dog collar daddy, these self-centered pathetic patriarchs, or this furious father, who could use some serious anger management counseling? They are all quite deserving of the bad dad award, in my opinion, and if I hadn’t heard the latest from the poster boy of pompous pops, I’d gladly watch them duke it out for the title. But, oops, he did it again! Alec Baldwin simply refuses to learn from … Continue reading

Bad Dad: Sick, Stupid or Just a Jerk

No, not the dad who spends more time, money and energy entertaining his girlfriend than his kid. I’m talking about Todd Marcum, the father who gives new meaning to the word “repulsive.” The Oregon father of four young children recently admitted to police that he regularly used an electronic dog collar to shock his children. So why would a grown man terrorize a 9,8,6, and 3-year-old with a device used to control animals? According to police, Marcum didn’t use the electronic dog collar as a form of punishment, or as a way to shock his kids into submission. Rather, arresting … Continue reading

Bad Dads? You Decide

I know a dad who pays more money for airlines tickets to see his girlfriend than he does in child support. He also willingly shells out more cash to wine and dine said girlfriend in the course of three days than he does to feed his own child in an entire month. That’s on top of repeatedly placing the child in dangerous situations and consistently ignoring the child. So, does this make the guy a bad dad? He certainly doesn’t think so, and I would venture to guess that fellow fathers Jon Gosselin and Mel Gibson would agree. The aforementioned … Continue reading

How Often are you Mad at Dad?

“I don’t need a husband… what I need is a wife.” How often have you heard your frustrated mom friends utter that doozy? Or, are you the one who constantly complains about your hubby’s lack of parental involvement? If so, you aren’t alone–far from it, in fact. According to a new study, nearly 52% of women report being angry with their husbands at least once a week. That number increases to more than 60% among moms with kids under the age of one. So why are moms so mad at dad? According to the survey: 44% of moms feel angry … Continue reading

Desperate Dad vs. Unsympathetic Electric Company

As parents we’ve all maintained at one time or another how we would do anything for our children. I hear it from parents all the time: “Oh, I would give anything to see my daughter happy.” “I would die for my son.” Yada, yada, yada… No offense, but some of these parents are the very ones who won’t shell out a buck more for their kid to get a grilled chicken sandwich at McDonald’s instead of the cheaper McChicken because they need the money to buy themselves a Big Mac or cigarettes on the way home. But I digress. If … Continue reading

Celeb Father Weighs In on Parenting Daughters

Would you take parenting advice from Tim McGraw? The award-winning country crooner (turned fashion designer) and father of three girls is hoping you’ll part with $20 to read his take on how to parent daughters. McGraw’s new children’s book titled, “My Little Girl,” hits bookshelves this week. The story details the relationship between a cowboy-ish dad and his daughter who spend the entire day together (with their dog) doing nothing in particular… on purpose. According to McGraw, that’s the message he wants to send home to parents: You can have an extraordinary day with your daughters doing ordinary things. “As … Continue reading

A Father’s Touching Tribute to His Infant Son

It is undeniably one of the most horrific situation a parent could ever experience and Tampa Bay kicker Matt Bryant had to go through it in front of millions of strangers. If you tuned into the final minutes of the Green Bay/Tampa Bay game yesterday you might have choked back the waterworks watching the pro football player wipe tears from his eyes and blow a kiss towards the heavens, in tribute to his baby boy. Less than 24 hours prior to kicking his third field goal against the Packers, Bryant and his wife Melissa buried their 3-month-old son. Matthew Tryson … Continue reading

How To Tell If A Man Is Father Material

Is it possible for a woman to predict whether a man will be a good father to their offsprings? Researchers at the University of Michigan think there is- by studying his face. In the December issue of Personal Relationships, results of an online study revealed that men with “low facial masculinity” made better parents. 854 male and female undergraduate students were shown male faces that had been altered to look more and less feminine. This was done by adjusting facial features, the shape of the jaw, for instance. The participants were then asked which of the men they would prefer … Continue reading

My Children have more active social lives than I do!!!!!

Okay, let’s be fair here: I am by nature a shy person, quiet, cautious, even timid. If I don’t know anyone at a party, it usually stays that way by the time the party ends. I’m not as good at asking questions as icebreakers. I take a while to warm up, as they say. So it’s probably not surprising that my children get to go out more than I do. I was adding up all the parties my oldest has been to this school year, and I counted almost ten! My little one, too, has gone to about half a … Continue reading