Seasonal Sleep Solutions

While I love the warmer temperatures spring brings, I am no fan of what the added daylight does to my child’s sleep habits. As an active member of PADS, I cringe when bedtime rolls around.  There’s nothing I dread more than having to fight with a third grader about how “unfair” it is that she is forced to hit the hay before it is pitch-black outside.  Then there’s the drama surrounding my rule that she remain asleep until at least an hour after the sun rises. She can’t stand me for that one. But, when you are dealing with a … Continue reading

Oh Say Can You See

That’s me with glasses. That’s my daughter dying of embarrassment because I decided to wear said glasses in public. I bribed her to smile for the camera. Yes, I am that mom. The one who willingly mortifies her child in public by wearing specs her daughter views as “totally ugly” all in the name of safety.  Believe me; you don’t want to know what would happen if I were to drive without the lenses that help correct my 20/500 vision. Ironically, that same daughter, who so quickly denounces my looks when I opt to wear glasses instead of contacts, came … Continue reading

Your Kids, Video Games and Fruit

If you have a tough time getting your children to eat fruit, you might consider unplugging their video games. In what some may consider a complete waste of time and money, researchers in the Netherlands have unearthed a fact that most parents have known for a while:  Kids who play video games promoting fruit don’t crave apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi or any other type of fresh produce upon completing the online challenges. According to the new study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Dutch scientists expected their young research participants to crave more wholesome snacks after playing video … Continue reading

Say Goodbye to the Five-Second Rule

Are you a proponent of the five-second rule? For busy parents, the five-second rule is typically standard operating procedure.  This is especially true for parents with multiple children.  Whereas firstborns usually gets a clean pacifier if their original hits the floor, by the time the third kid comes along, he’s lucky if mom wipes said pacifier before sticking it back in her child’s mouth. Sound familiar? Well, you may want to start thinking twice about following the famed five-second rule. According to researchers at San Diego State University, if an item falls on the ground, it is not safe for … Continue reading

Classroom Distractions

Forget about smartphones, cute football players and pretty cheerleaders, when it comes to classroom distractions, experts say parents should be more concerned with their kids’ empty stomachs. A recent study published in Childhood Obesity found that the snacks tweens and teens bring to school to satisfy their grumbling guts are failing to make the grade when it comes to nutrition. In fact, according to experts, the popularity of the following snack foods is the reason many students suffer from behavioral problems such as hyperactivity: Cheetos: No surprise here. One-ounce of the neon orange puffs contains 150 calories, 10 grams of … Continue reading

Dessert for Breakfast

Think of the most heinous accusation that has ever been hurled in your direction. If you are a parent, you likely shudder at the thought of being categorized with these derelict moms and dads, who shouldn’t even be free to walk the earth, let alone be allowed to influence a young life. While you may refrain from using an electronic dog collar to shock your young children as a means of punishment and entertainment, attaching your 13-year-old to the roof of the family van to hold down a large cardboard box, knowingly poison your kids in an effort to score … Continue reading

When Gorging is Good

Damn you, 100 Grand bars. And you Dots, Twizzlers, Snickers, Sour Patch Kids, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats, and all other non-Laffy Taffy candies that have mysteriously made their way from my daughter’s Halloween treat bucket into my mouth and on to my hips. Forget the 100 Grand bars; I’m 100% positive I’ve gained at least a tenth of 100 pounds by gorging on leftover Halloween candy. And by “leftover,” I mean whatever the kiddo didn’t stuff down her throat within 24 hours of trick-or-treating. I blame her for her candy becoming my breakfast (lunch and dinner) of champions. … Continue reading

August 31st Is National Trail Mix Day

Since today is National Trail Mix Day I thought that it would be a good idea to give a quick and easy recipe for trail mix, in its honor. Trail mix is often taken on the road to increase your stamina and your energy levels. It is just the right type of snack to bring along with you because it is packed with vitamins. How to Make Trail Mix: Gather up all of the ingredients that you will need, such as sealable baggies, a non-sugary cereal, raisins, dried apricots, dried peaches, chocolate hard shelled candies (such as M&Ms, pretzels and … Continue reading

Keeping Cool in the Heat

Today is another blistering hot day. I guess that it could be worse. I was just talking to someone who says it is 106 degrees where he lives. This is not down south either. So how do you keep cool admist this hot weather? Here are some great ways to keep cool when the thermometer is on the rise: Dress lightly. No, you cannot go naked, but you can wear minimal clothing and still be covered. Shorts, tee shirts and tank tops are all perfect. Dresses though seem to be the best thing to wear when the weather is hot. … Continue reading

Poison Ivy Precautions

Most of us have had at least one bout with the dreaded poison ivy plant. Since it is summer there is an increased risk of someone in your family coming into contact with it. Summertime fun means playing outside, playing in the park and camping with your family. You may get away with keeping your kids away from wooded areas when they are playing in their background, but when you go to a park and definitely when you go camping there is always a wooded area that needs to be inspected before your kids are let loose to play. The … Continue reading