Finals Week Update

Well, we all made it. Today is the final day of the term and all the projects have been turned in and the tests taken and I know there are at least three high schoolers and one mom who are glad to see the term end. But, like so many things, this ending also has the wonderful seeds of beginnings wrapped up in it as well. Everyone is breathing a little easier, basking in some good tests and letting go of some not-so-good tests–and making all sorts of plans for how things are going “to be different” in the coming … Continue reading

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

I was wandering around the children’s section of the library last week. I must have looked confused because the librarian walked over to me and asked if she could help me. I was trying to find some books for Tyler. I love having a gifted child but they don’t come with instructions and I am finding it harder and harder to figure out just what it is I am supposed to do with the kid. Take books for instance. He’s reading above his level and finding books that he likes is hard. I usually end up getting books that are … Continue reading

Letters Of Apology For Misbehavior

Dear Ms. Jordan, I am sorry for misbehaving in class. I won’t do it again. Tyler Vincent Turner The letter of apology was simple enough and took less than five minutes to write, but I hoped the message I was sending to Tyler was one that would have a lasting effect. I want him to realize that he is responsible for his behavior, good or otherwise. When it’s the latter, I want him to own up to your misdeeds and offer up an apology to the offended person. When I made the decision, I hoped it was the right thing … Continue reading

Finals Week

We are coming up on Finals Week around here in the house of teenagers. Next week marks the end of the term and the start of the second half of the school year. My house is littered with books and “projects” and I’ve been told there will be a study group or two over the weekend. I have to say that high school Finals Week looks more like I remember my college finals to be than my memories of my own high school days… So, there’s three teenagers wandering around like grumpy zombies in the morning and staying up late … Continue reading

More Teachable Moments

It started out simple enough. I wanted some DVDs from the library, preferably ones I could check out that I wouldn’t have to pay the $1 rental fee. As I scanned the shelves I found a 3-disc copy of Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?” I vaguely recall this show from years back (funny though, I could have sworn it was “where in the world…”) so I scooped it up for Tyler— all 6 hours. I also picked out a few more DVDs and as luck would have it Carmen was a freebie, along with some PBS educational videos. Imagine … Continue reading

Parents- Control Your Kids’ Behavior In School Or You May Have To Pay A Fine

If my child misbehaves in school, should I be penalized for his unruly behavior? Or is it the responsibility of the teacher to control my child when he’s in school? Some districts are beginning to fine parents for their kids misbehaving in school and personally, I think it’s a good thing. When I was in school, we didn’t misbehave. Okay maybe just a little. But somehow the threat of having our parents notified and the possibility of a spanking was enough to keep us in line. Some school districts blame the parents’ attitudes for the state of today’s schools, as … Continue reading

The Power of Vocabulary

I love words. As an old English major, I have a deep-seated passion for words and books and language. So, with that bias, I think one of the great gifts we can give our kids is a well-developed vocabulary. A vast and retrievable vocabulary doesn’t just help our kids do well on those state benchmark tests and college entrance exams, I think it also contributes to being good conversationalists, socially comfortable, and more literate people overall. When was a young girl, I used to visit my great-grandmother about once a week. She was an often-crabby, opinionated woman who lived alone … Continue reading

Teachable Moments

One of the reasons I feel Tyler is so smart at such a young age is because he has a thirst for knowledge. When he was a baby he was alert, watching everything I did, taking notes and sucking everything in like a sponge. Although I’ve taught him myself most of his life, I’ve never spent much time with flashcards and Baby Einstein videos. Instead, I’ve used a lot of “teachable moments”. Teachable moments involves no lecturing, or boring monologues. They can happen at home, while driving in the car, while standing in line at the bank– anywhere, in fact. … Continue reading

Homework Overload

I don’t remember homework being a major challenge when I was in school. I went to a typical public high school (after having gone all the way through the public school system in one town) and while I remember having homework–it wasn’t insurmountable. I’m of the opinion that times have changed–my eldest daughter goes to a local high school and is in the International High School program. She has more homework on a daily basis than I had even in my fullest terms of college (and one term I actually held down 29 credits!) Since my kids were in elementary … Continue reading

Homework Clubs

Guys, have you heard about homework clubs? Homework clubs are a way for kids to get together and do their homework while being supervised by parents or teachers. Some kids find it more productive working in such an environment as opposed to working home alone. Some clubs are sponsored by schools, libraries or private tutoring companies. If you’re interested in having your child attend one, just check around in your community or consider starting one of your own. If you decide to start your own, here are a few things to keep in mind: The location should be one that … Continue reading