What Your Dog Says About You

I don’t know if this is a new trend or an old one experiencing a revival, but lately I’ve seen a lot of “what does your dog’s breed say about you?” style articles. I’ve even seen a few ones related to romance: what does your boyfriend’s dog say about him, or about his sex life? While I find the latter a bit of a stretch, I think maybe there might be some truth in the former. The breed of one’s dog might say a bit more about one’s living situation than personality, so that two vastly different people might both … Continue reading

Do Your Pets Factor into Your Holiday Plans?

Do you make your holiday plans around your pets? That’s an assertion that the Associated Press recently made in an article: pet owners revolve their late-December events around their pets. Examples given by the AP include taking holiday-themed photos of pets, using these or other pictures with the animal for seasonal cards, buying pets gifts (the article maintains that just over half of pet owners do this), and even creating special menus for the pet so it can have a holiday meal alongside its human family. There are two sides to this: one, in which a little holiday cheer is … Continue reading

Yappy Hours

On-leash food and fundraising events are more common, but the trend is changing Dogs and – alcohol? There’s a new trend going around in parties, often fundraising ones, which combines these two unlikely partners. Meet the Yappy Hour. Yappy Hours are times bars hold that allow patrons to bring their dogs along for some socializing fun. Bars realize they’ll get more dog owners (39% of the U.S. population, if the Humane Society’s statistics are to be believed) to come out to their normal happy hours if they allow them to bring their dogs, and the patrons are happy for the … Continue reading

For Green-Thumbed Pet Lovers

As I write this I’m sitting on my porch. Though many days recently have been so grossly hot and humid that I’ve never wanted to venture outdoors, some have been pleasant, especially in the mornings. These days I’ve taken to bringing my laptop out to the porch and completing my work here. I let the dog wander around the yard as I do so. Just a moment ago I had to do something that’s become common during these work outdoors mornings: chase my dog away from my garden. The majority of my garden items – herbs and berries – are … Continue reading

Electric Fences

Because Chihiro is at least part hound dog, we can’t rely on her to stay with us in our yard. She might be good most of the time, but all it takes is one squirrel or neighborhood cat and she’s off on the chase. So we made the decision to purchase an electric fence. This is a decision I made with much trepidation. I abhor the idea of causing any pain to my dog. But we just don’t have the budget for a real fence at the moment, and our yard is so large it would be a shame if … Continue reading

Custody Battles Over Pets

I’ve heard of nasty child custody battles, but I’d never thought of the same for pets. However, after reading about the concept in a recent Huffington Post article I don’t find it that surprising. After all, pets are like children to many people and even those that aren’t are still beloved by their owners. It’s no surprise that either divorcing party wouldn’t want to part with their pet. Pet custody has recently become a more contentious issue. Cases have risen 23% and Harvard Law now offers a course in the field. While I imagine that pet custody struggles are not … Continue reading

Poor Itchy Puppy

Scratch my belly, please Unfortunately, Chihiro’s health saga has continued. At least nothing is so wrong with her that we need to take her to the vet or spend a lot of money, but it’s annoying that we have to keep treating her for various maladies. At least I can blog about her troubles to share tips with you should any of your dogs ever have similar problems. Chihiro’s always been an itchy dog. Early this year the vet confirmed that she has an inverted vulva, a disorder that’s apparently somewhat common with mixed breed dogs. That means she has … Continue reading

The Dog Park Conundrum

Having a local dog park is the dream of every dog owner. It’s a municipally-maintained safely-enclosed spot to take your dog where it can run around to its heart’s content and receive plenty of interaction with other dogs. Today I want to ask: do you take your dog to dog parks? To start off, I’ll share my experience with them. Our initial trips to the dog park ended up being unexciting. I first went in the middle of the day during the week, and so no one was there. Still, I thought this could be a good experience for Chihiro: … Continue reading

Eating Out with Dogs

On Sunday I was supposed to attend a fundraising party for a rescue located north of Washington, DC. At the last minute the party organizers had to reschedule it, so I found myself with the afternoon now free. I still wanted to see a friend I was going to meet at the party, but now we had to find somewhere new to go where we could also bring Chihiro, whom I had with me. We decided to go to Great Sage, a restaurant specializing in organic green cuisine. I’m always up for something new, and I liked the idea of … Continue reading

The Curious Case of the Cat in the Shower

Every time anyone enters the bathroom at our house, it’s cause for a big fuss. That’s because no matter what somebody’s doing in there, our cat Cole must have a part of it. If he hears someone in the bathroom, he rushes in (if the door’s open) and starts getting very vocal. Cole isn’t the most vocal of cats, but he’s not the least either. He chirps for attention, and if there’s a bird he can see out in the yard, the whole house knows it. But even when there’s prey he can see just beyond his reach, Cole is … Continue reading