Why My Veterinarian Is the Best

(but my cat doesn’t think so) Last Thursday I took Cole to the vet for his annual visit. Although I didn’t get many more answers there than I did when Chrestomanci had his trip, I left much more satisfied. I’m just continually reminded why I love my vet. I brought up my questions about Cole’s behavioral antics and, unfortunately (though I suspected as much) the vet didn’t really have any advice for me. She said many cats enjoy being in high places, and that there’s not a lot to do to deter them. I asked whether he would be happier … Continue reading

The Long-Awaited Vet Visit

Yesterday I took Chrestomanci to the vet. I’d been looking forward to this for a couple reasons: one, for advice about all the feeding/misbehaving issues, and two, to compare vets. The visit was disappointing in many ways, but at least it cleared up one issue for me. First I’ll explain what issue it cleared up. I take Chihiro and Cole to a vet that’s five minutes from our old apartment, but closer to twenty-five minutes from our house. I’ve had really good experiences there. But I also have heard a lot about another veterinarian in the county, both through personal … Continue reading

Why Veterinary Prices Might Go Up

One thing I really struggle with is vet prices. I don’t actually have problems paying our veterinary bills, but I want to be a smart consumer and thus want to know if my visit was reasonably priced. When I first adopted Chihiro and Cole I took them to a low-cost clinic. After a checkup and any necessary shots I paid somewhere in the $50-$65 range. I became disillusioned with the clinic for reasons I’ve expounded on before and started going to a veterinary hospital. Checkup and shot visits there cost around $90. I don’t mind paying $40 extra if that’s … Continue reading

Things Veterinarians Hate

Going to the veterinarian can be a harrowing experience, even if it’s just for a routine checkup. But few cats like the vet, and even the dogs that do usually have a hard time behaving when there are just so many interesting smells around. Knowing precisely what vets need from us as pet owners can help make the experience that much smoother. Veterinarian Patty Khuly posted a list on website VetStreet of the seven things pet owners do that drive vets crazy. Knowing to avoid these bad habits could help make your next vet visit easier. The list is as … Continue reading