Managing Smart Dogs

Smart is often a selling point for dogs. There are certain breeds, especially those known for herding, that are generally considered the cream of the clever canine crop. Thus if you want an intelligent dog it might not be too hard to seek one out, but there are some things you need to know before adopting a brainy companion. Pet site ZooToo has some tips. The most important thing to consider first is that smart doesn’t necessarily mean easy. We think that it will; we think how nice it will be to have a dog that can fetch slippers and … Continue reading

Setting Expectations for Dog Training

Do we expect too much from our dogs? Sometimes we think that dogs should jump to obey our orders, and many dog owners soon find out that perhaps we’re not viewing dogs and how we train them in the right way. Pet website ZooToo has an overview of how the dog training process works, explaining why many of us might be going about training in the wrong way. What’s always important to remember, especially when bringing a new dog home, is that there will be a honeymoon period but that period will end. New dogs, especially ones from shelters, brought … Continue reading

Cats: To Potty Train or Not to Potty Train

We can potty train our kids, but what about our cats? Do any of the products offering feline toilet training actually work? I don’t know anyone who has a toilet-trained cat. But that doesn’t mean I think they can’t work. Enough testimonials exist for me to believe that potty training kitties is possible, but with one major caveat: it takes a lot of time and a lot of mess. MSNBC Health published an article detailing the feline toilet-training process, complete with interviews with animal behaviorists, cat trainers, and real-life people who successfully taught their cats to use the toilet. Before … Continue reading

How to Keep Pets Off Furniture

I decided I liked everyone on the sofa more than off We might love our pets but that doesn’t mean we want to let them go anywhere they want in the house. For example, both my cat and my dog aren’t allowed upstairs because I’m a light sleeper and they tend to keep me up by making a lot of noise in my bedroom. Far more common, however, is the practice of keeping your pets off of your furniture. Unless you’re willing to spend either the time or money to properly groom your pet or have a professional do it … Continue reading

Positive Reinforcement and the Power of Distraction

I try very hard to be a positive reinforcement trainer with my dogs, and not a negative reinforcement. Some days it works better than others. When we’re out walking, I’ve got a constant stream of chatter going — encouragement and praise, mostly, though sometimes, I also just talk to them about what they’re doing. If the dogs are doing something right, I tell them. It’s when the dogs are doing something wrong that I sometimes run into trouble. Lally is generally easy to correct. A light tug on the leash or saying her name is enough to get her attention … Continue reading

Dogs Are as Smart as Toddlers (When it Comes to Hand Signals)

Two different studies recently took a look at how well dogs learn and understand hand signals. The first study (from Eotvos University) tested dogs against two-year-old children and three year old children. Testers used a variety of gestures like finger pointing, elbow pointing, and leg pointing to help the kids find a favorite toy… and help the dogs find tasty treats. Both the dogs and the two-year-olds had no problem with the majority of the gestures. Pointing with a knee gave both groups a little trouble, as did an arm pointing one way with a finger pointing a different way … Continue reading

Different Strokes, Commands, and Dialogue for Different Pet Folks

Aimee recently wrote an article about how to speak cat. I couldn’t help but think of it when I watched the Elvis episode of “The Greatest American Dog.” The Tangled Leash Challenge In this “Greatest American Dog” challenge, the dogs and their owners were paired up. They had to attach their dogs to leashes that wound around various obstacles and intertwined with one another. Then, without touching their dogs, using verbal commands only, they had to navigate their dogs through the course. There were several obstacle sections to work through. Once they were free of one, they unhooked the dog … Continue reading

Bringing Your Dog to Work: Canine Office Etiquette

Maybe you’ve found the perfect job — one that lets you bring your furry best friend to work. Maybe your office is celebrating “Bring Your Dog to Work Day”. In either case, in order to keep your coworkers and your pup safe, your dog needs to be an exemplary citizen. Here are some things to keep in mind: Your pet should be under your control at all times. Keep him on a leash when you are moving around the office — or keep the door to your office closed so your dog can’t get out. Give your dog several walk … Continue reading

Summer Sports for Dogs: Dock Jumping

Does your dog love the water? Does he love to fetch? You may have a world-class dock jumper on your hands. Dock jumping is exactly what it sounds like — a dog takes a running leap off a short dock into a pool of water. Where does fetching come in? The dog is usually jumping off the dock because he’s chasing a toy or a training “bumper” (a salami-shaped canvas toy). A competition set-up includes a dock platform around forty feet long, a lake or portable pool, and an exit ramp off to the side. The dock sits two feet … Continue reading

How Annie and Cujo Learned to Use the Cat Door

You may or may not remember Annie and Cujo from the night Moose, Lally, and I slept over at my friends’ house. Annie and Cujo are a pair of rescued cats that belong to some very good friends of mine. Those friends decided it was time to reclaim their spare room. Since they moved into their new home, one room has been a catch-all for boxes, stuff they didn’t know what to do with, and the litter boxes. Months passed. Eventually, they wanted their spare room back! My friend Jen is quite the home improvement diva — she designed and … Continue reading