More Pet Photography

Today, we’ll continue to explore some more photographers that specialize in portraits of pets. In my previous post, I covered several good ones. Here are some more: Brian Ratty has some good information for photographing pets on this site. There are tips on backgrounds, lighting, shutter speeds, …etc. NYPetShots is the site of another professional pet photographer, Steven Fromewick. The picture of him and his German Shephard is great. It brings back memories of my childhood Alaskan Malamute, Nanook. But that is a story for another day. The photography site of fine art photographerRobyn Kessler has some awesome photos of … Continue reading

What About Video

So far, I have concentrated on still photography. And to be sure, there will be more discussion of still photography as time goes by, but there is another type of “photography” that people are interested in. Video That’s right, for that hidden Cecile B. Demille or George Lucas, the lure of the video camera is strong. I see it every week, some teenager who wants to make the next indie film, and the father who wants to record all his children’s sports and school events. I’ve been there myself. So, what’s out there for the budding movie maker? Chances are, … Continue reading