Stocking Stuffers for Your Favorite Shutterbug

No, lottery tickets aren’t on the list. The following Christmas stocking stuffer ideas are sure to please your favorite photographers, regardless of their skill level. In addition, they will also please your bank account, given that they don’t include purchasing a new (see: expensive) camera. MEMORY CARDS I’m horrible at erasing shots taken on memory cards. As a result, I am constantly running out of space, and often end up frantically searching for a spare card at the most inopportune times. Digital camera owners can always use a few extra memory cards. Fortunately, they don’t cost nearly as much as … Continue reading

Trends in Camera Phones

Industry experts predict that by the end of 2008 more than 300 million people worldwide will own a digital camera phone. Three hundred million! That is a staggering amount of people who will have a photo device at their fingertips at all hours of the day. And these days many cellphones that feature built-in cameras also have the ability to record several minutes of video, which can be saved and played back later. (And in most cases uploaded on YouTube for the world to see.) Interestingly, experts say many shoppers who are in the market for a cellphone are not … Continue reading

Cool Photo Items for the Summer

Are you struggling to snap a good picture of your little pitcher? Or does uploading your prized images to photo-sharing sites give you a headache? These are just some of the top complaints lodged by amateur photographers, according to the folks at Consumer Reports. Which is why the publication decided to spotlight new products that claim to make taking frameworthy shots easier for snap happy parents and other avid photographers. Here’s a look at some of new additions to the market that received high marks by testers and camera experts: NEED MORE ZOOM If you are consistently forced to sit … Continue reading

New Trends in Digital Photography

Are you looking to purchase a new digital camera in time for your Fourth of July BBQ? Or perhaps you want a new camera to shoot some frameworthy shots at your family reunion this summer. Whatever your reason now is a great time to snap up the latest and greatest digital cameras and accessories for a decent price. Most stores are trying to get their current stock off the shelves so they can make room for new models to be unveiled in time for the holiday season. The following digital cameras have been given the thumbs up by Consumer Reports: … Continue reading

What Else the Digital Era has Eliminated

In a previous blog I detailed the single event that made me switch from my trusty and beloved traditional film camera to my new shiny and mighty digital one. (For the record I am still holding tightly to my film camera, though I rarely shoot with it anymore.) Up until a couple of years ago I was the type of person who reluctantly embraced change. These days though I have learned that positive things can happen when you venture out of your perceived comfort zone and take advantage of new and exciting opportunities. I’m willing to bet that many photographers … Continue reading

Hot Summer Cameras

I have a summer birthday so this is the time of year that I typically research new cameras so I can put them on a short list of gifts that I would love to see next to my birthday cake. Though, this year is a bit different since I just received a wonderful new digital camera for Mother’s Day. Still, I love reading about the latest and greatest cameras and other photo gear on the market. Recently, Consumer Reports released its picks for the best brands of digital cameras on the market. If you are considering upgrading your current digital … Continue reading

Film Cameras Fading Away

In a previous blog I mentioned that my traditional film camera decided to go on vacation while I was on vacation. My trusty Canon EOS Rebel K2 went on strike during part of my trip to Hawaii a few months ago. Needless to say, I spent the better part of an entire day trying to track down a camera repair shop that could help me salvage my cherished sharpshooter. It was a frustrating endeavor to say the least for one simple reason: film cameras are becoming obsolete. I can’t tell you how many camera storeowners were shocked to hear that … Continue reading

A New Camera for Dad for Father’s Day

So you don’t want to give dad any of the Father’s Day photo gifts I listed in this blog. And you don’t think my Mother’s Day camera will go over well with him either, well, I have one more item he might be delighted to unwrap on Father’s Day. Canon’s PowerShot 650 IS is perfect for the snap happy dad who wants a camera that packs a punch, but doesn’t have the time or energy to read an owner’s manual the size of a pocket dictionary to get it to work. (Not that most dads read owners manuals to begin … Continue reading