Choosing the Right Camera Bag

In order to keep your camera safe and clean and protected from Mother Nature, you need to invest in a good camera bag. Camera bags come in many different shapes, sizes, colors and fabrics. You can choose one with tons of compartments and pockets, or a standard one with nothing more than a place for the camera. After investing in a wonderful camera, getting the right camera bag should be an extremely important decision. The other area of concern or consideration, is how much camera equipment you have as well. Many camera’s come with a camera bag or carrying case … Continue reading

Why Are My Photographs Deteriorating?

There is nothing worse than pulling a stack of photographs out of a container and seeing that the photographs are damaged or fading. Photographs are extremely fragile, and must be handled with extreme care if you want them preserved for future generations. There are plenty of reasons why your photographs could be deteriorating, however there are three main (and extremely common) factors that contribute to this. Poor Storage and Conditions Obviously as I have discussed in other articles, poor storage is the quickest way to damage your photographs. It is imperative that you take a little time to ensure that … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: Let’s Review—-The Camera

For last couple of weeks I’ve been providing information to those of you who have been debating whether you should make the switch from a traditional film camera to a new digital one. In the continuing series Digital Photography 101 we’ve covered a wide range of topics related to the popular handheld tech toys. If you’ve missed any of the blogs in this series I’ve provided a synopsis of each and a link to the article so that you may view it in its entirety. Digital Photography 101: An Introduction Did you know more than a third of American households … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: Ready, Set, Shoot

You’ve done your research, found the perfect camera, learned most of its features and discovered what options are available to share your images with friends and family. Now, it’s time to get out there and put your digital camera to the test. Regardless of your skill level, it’s important to know that you have the ability to take quality photos. All it takes is a little (in some cases a lot) of practice. And, with a digital camera you never have to worry that your test shots are “wasting film” or that you will run out of space. The next … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: Getting To Know Your Camera

If you’ve been debating about whether you should join the digital photography revolution (you’ve shot with a standard camera all your life, but everyone you know has gone digital) then this blog is for you. This is the third posting in a series of articles I am doing on the merits of digital photography. We’ve already covered an introduction to this hot trend and reviewed some of the most popular digital cameras on the market. Today we continue the series with a look at some digital camera functions. MEMORY CARDS In a previous blog I explained that digital cameras capture … Continue reading

Digital Photography 101: An Introduction

Enough is enough. I’m throwing down the gauntlet. My co-blogger Nicole and I have written a number of blogs explaining why we prefer using film cameras rather than digital ones. However, we are by no means digital camera rebels and to prove my point I have decided to write a series of blogs on digital photography starting with this introduction blog. If you own a digital camera—welcome to the club. More than a third of American households now own digital cameras, and that number continues to grow. In fact, studies show that roughly 25 million digital cameras will be sold … Continue reading

The Engagement Photo

Recently, the White House announced that President Bush’s daughter Jenna had just accepted a marriage proposal from her longtime boyfriend. The first family made a formal announcement and released a photo of the young couple. I wouldn’t consider it an “official” engagement photo (it was taken in May), but it certainly has the qualities found in most engagement portraits. Technically, an engagement portrait features the bride and groom, or sometimes the bride alone, wearing dressier clothing. Traditionally, this would be a nice dress or skirt for the bride-to-be and a suit for her fiancé. I took my engagement pictures in … Continue reading

What is Stock Photography?

Stock photography is an important part of the professional photographer’s world. With all the new technology that is developing at a mind boggling speed, there is a greater demand than every before. Digital photography has escalated in the past couple of years, bringing on a whole new trend of stock photography. But, what is stock photography? Stock photography is first and foremost, actual photographs. However, they are photographs taken with no immediate client or purpose in mind. Perhaps the scenery captured the photographer, or the dish at the restaurant spoke volumes about a certain type of food. Photographer’s capture this … Continue reading

Making Sense of Megapixels

If you have gone to purchase a new digital camera lately you are probably overwhelmed with the technical terms that go along with the process. Megapixel is one of the key factors you need to consider when purchasing a camera. A pixel is actually a picture element. Megapixel is 1 million pixels or 1 million picture elements. Have I lost you yet? Why should you care about megapixels? The best analogy for me to use will hopefully be understood by the ladies in the audience. I compare megapixels to thread count in your sheets. The higher the megapixels number the … Continue reading

Take Control Of Light With Fill Flash

With camera technology today automation simplifies taking pictures. And in most situations letting your camera control all the settings you will get fantastic photos in return. Automatic settings are great partly because I am lazy and don’t want to mess with shutter speeds, aperture sizes, focusing and lighting control. Or I am in a hurry and just want to point, shoot and get the photo before the moment is gone. However there are times when you need to take more control over you camera. Learning to control light through aperture settings is not complicated but there is another very simple … Continue reading