Amazing Arrangements

You’ve chosen your favorite pictures, bought the frames and are ready to build a photo wall. Now what? Creating a cohesive and attractive wall of framed photos is like trying to build a puzzle without a guide. One of the easiest ways to create a photo wall masterpiece is to hang a large framed or canvas photo in the center and arrange smaller-sized images around it. By using the large picture as the focal point you could even add collage frames with multiple photos around it, provided you leave about two to three inches of space between each of the … Continue reading

Vacation Camera

I have a friend who owns multiple cameras; including one he uses exclusively when he and his family go on vacation. He had a bad experience getting his camera through airport security on a recent trip to China, so now he doesn’t take his ultra-fancy picture-taking tool on extended vacations. Rather, he takes one of his spare cameras. Did I mention he is loaded? If you are like me and live on a budget, then you simply take care of what you have because in all likelihood it will be a while before you can come up with the money … Continue reading

Resolving Lighting Issues

These days it’s not enough to simply shoot during the “golden hours” in order to capture a decently lit photo. In fact, the time of day that you take aim at your photo subjects could be the least of your worries. If you are experiencing trouble with poorly lit photographs and you feel as though you are working with adequate light sources, then consider using photo-editing software to get the look you are after. Photomatix is a program that bills itself as being able to create “High Dynamic Range photography.” Since your camera can’t take in all of the light … Continue reading

Don’t Say “Smile”

“Cheese,” “pickles,” “pony,” and “pizza;” those are just some of the many words my dad used to force my brothers and I to say in order to get us to smile before snapping a photo. Personally, I don’t find any of the words to be particularly funny, though one’s mouth does contort into a forced grin of sorts when exaggerating the syllables. If you are a parent, then you know the lengths you’ll go to trying to get your kid to smile for the camera. Unfortunately, a forced smile never looks as good as a natural one. I know this … Continue reading

Love Day Photo Projects

Don’t waste a photo like this. Family pictures that showcase love are ideal to feature in Valentine’s Day photo projects. Fortunately, you don’t have to channel Martha Stewart to create stunning works of art to present to your sweetheart on Love Day. If you are craft challenged, then simply select a slew of your favorite family photos and display them in a shadow box. All you have to do is attach a series of pictures to the back panel of the shadow box frame with acid-free glue, add a couple of embellishments or personal mementos with pushpins, and you’ve got … Continue reading

Avoiding Holiday Photo Mishaps

Nothing ruins a holiday family portrait more than missing heads. My mom is notorious for decapitating my dad, grandparents, brothers and her grandkids in Christmas pictures. While the season is filled with hundreds of magical moments, if you are not careful when wielding a camera, you can turn festive photo ops into pictures you’d sooner forget. For example, if you are like millions of other amateur photographers out there, then you don’t pass up the opportunity to snap keepers of loved ones opening gifts on Christmas morning. The annual tradition yields an array of emotions that are highlighted in facial … Continue reading

Holiday Photo Ops

The holiday season is ripe with memorable photo opportunities. From the excitement of gift opening to the traditional carving of the Christmas ham, and hugs galore for visiting friends and family, now is not the time of year to be without your camera. In fact, now is the time to make the most of your picture-taking tool. I recently attended a Christmas party where the host’s camera took center stage. Rather than walk around the shindig snapping pictures of guests, my friend set-up a mock photo booth where people could shoot their own pictures. The camera sat on a tripod … Continue reading

Get Creative with Christmas Photos

Are you tired of trying to get your kids to pose for a traditional family photo in front of the Christmas tree? This year, consider ditching the dull lineups, and instead, look for ways to capture candid Christmas shots. For example, rather than having your kids stand next to their stockings and smile for the camera, let them dig for treasures while you snap away. The goal is to document genuine emotion, which is hard to do when young children are forced to strike a pose and smile on cue. Other cute candid Christmas-related photos include: *Your cat playing with … Continue reading

More Ways to Spice Up Seasonal Pet Shots

Okay, I’ve never actually seen a real hamster dressed up in a Santa’s hat for a Christmas card shoot, but that’s what Photoshop is for, right? Clearly, some pets are easier to deck out for a holiday photo shoot than others, but that shouldn’t stop you from adding your Fur Baby to a festive scene. Even if Fido doesn’t want to keep the reindeer antlers on his head, you can make him look merry by placing him in front of a seasonal background. Christmas trees and fireplaces are ideal backdrops for Christmas photos. Another option is to take Fluffy outside … Continue reading

Prepping for Fluffy’s Holiday Photo

It took working at for nearly a year before I got my first taste of the term “Fur Baby.” The very first time I saw the words featured in a blog I thought the writer was referring to this. Then, I took a closer look and realized that it was “Fur Baby,” not “Furby.” It didn’t take long to deduce that the blogger loved her four-legged “kids” as much as her two-legged ones. In fact, I became friends with said writer, and the following Christmas I received a hilarious photo card with her furry kids sitting on the laps … Continue reading