Monday Photo Challenge – Around the House or Pieces of Home

I am having so much fun with these photo challenges, and I really hope you are as well. Each Monday, I post a challenge that you can choose to do, or you can choose not to do. It is up to you. My hope is that when you do the photo challenges, it is getting you to think outside the box, and obviously to take more photographs. I want you to truly play around with your camera, get to know its features, its capabilities, just get to know it better. I want you to try out new angles, lighting techniques … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for August 27th to September 2nd, 2007

The photography blog is busier than ever as Michele and I excitedly fill it up with some new content and articles to help you out, in whatever your photography needs. Whether you are shooting digital or film, using an automatic or playing with new lenses and other features, there is something for everyone. So what has been going on this week? Digital Photography 101: Let’s Review–The Camera For last couple of weeks I’ve been providing information to those of you who have been debating whether you should make the switch from a traditional film camera to a new digital one. … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for August 20th-26th, 2007

It was such a busy week in the photography blog and we were are so busy researching and trying to bring you new and fresh material, that I somehow forgot to do the Week in Review for the 20th to the 26th, so here it is. Digital Photography 101: An Introduction Enough is enough. I’m throwing down the gauntlet. My co-blogger Nicole and I have written a number of blogs explaining why we prefer using film cameras rather than digital ones. However, we are by no means digital camera rebels and to prove my point I have decided to write … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for August 13th-19th, 2007

The photography blog is busier than its been in quite awhile, as Michele and I excitedly fill it up with some new content and articles to help you out. Whether you are shooting digital or film, there is something for everyone. So what has been going on this week? Snapshot Of A New Photography Blogger Your house is on fire! Besides your family members (pets included), what’s the one item you would try to save on the way out? My answer: My photo album. Okay, albums-as many as possible. Photography Week in Review for August 6th-12th, 2007 Photography allows the … Continue reading

Monday Photo Challenge – Up Close and Personal

I am thoroughly addicted to close-up photography. I love filling the entire frame with the subject, eliminating distracting background and really highlighting my subject matter. Each Monday, I post a challenge that you can choose to do, or you can choose not to do. It is up to you. My hope is that when you do the photo challenges, it is getting you to think outside the box, and obviously to take more photographs. I want you to truly play with your camera, get to know it better. I want you to try out new angles, lighting techniques and more. … Continue reading

Monday Photo Challenge – Amateur Food Photography

I have decided to post a challenge each Monday that you can do, or you can not do. My hopes in the photo challenges are to get you thinking outside the box, and taking more pictures. I want to you to try out new angles, lighting techniques and more. I also want you to photograph things you might not have otherwise though of! If there is something you would like to see, or something that you are wanting to learn or see examples of, that I might be able to incorporate into a challenge, let me know. Most of the … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for August 6th-12th, 2007

Photography allows the capture of memories, the ability to freeze a moment in time and preserve it on a piece of paper for years to come. Photography is one of those hobbies that is a forever thing, and even those that don’t dabble in the more extreme side of the hobby, still have a passion for carrying that camera almost everywhere they go. I am hoping it is to all of you, that the photography blog is helpful to. Please let us know if there is anything that you’d like to see and we’ll get right on it. Oh, and … Continue reading

Monday Photo Challenge – A Glimpse of a Historic Landmark

I have decided to post a challenge each Monday that you can do, or you can not do. My hopes in the photo challenges are to get you thinking outside the box, and taking more pictures. I want to you to try out new angles, lighting techniques and more. If there is something you would like to see, or something that you are wanting to learn or see examples of, that I might be able to incorporate into a challenge, let me know. Most of the photographs that I show will be recent, with the exception of a few that … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for June 30 – August 5, 2007

Photography is more than just a hobby for many, in fact for some people it is just a part of their life. I carry my camera everywhere I go, and have probably captured many pictures that most people would never even think to get. This is what the photography blog is for. All types of people can get great articles detailing things about their cameras, their photographs, lighting, exposure and much more. So, what articles will you find from last week in the photography blog? Photography Week in Review for July 23-29, 2007 Finally the photograph blog is seeing a … Continue reading

Monday Photo Challenge – View From the Top

I am completely aware that today is not Monday and it is Saturday, but due to the fact that I just decided to start this idea in August and was going to post in on Wednesday but forgot, today is our first photo challenge. The next one will be this coming Monday. I have decided to post a challenge each Monday that you can do, or you can not do. My hopes in the photo challenges are to get you thinking outside the box, and taking more pictures. I want to you to try out new angles, lighting techniques and … Continue reading