Obama and the Economy

Obama on the Economy We’ve been talking in the politics blog about Phil Gramm and his comment that America is simply a bunch of whiners. We took a look at how McCain distanced himself from his long time pal. For Obama, Gramm’s comments have given him opportunity to talk tough on the economy and talk about what he’ll do differently then his opponent. There is Little Doubt We Are in a Recession Obama says that despite the fact that we are seeing slowed growth as opposed to negative numbers (those negative numbers being the technical definition of a recession), there’s … Continue reading

Mr. Gramm, the Economy, and the Sensible Response

The economy is the number one issue on the campaign trail. . .or so the media tells us. We all care deeply about our homes, our jobs, and our families. Makes sense. We all care deeply about the economy and how to get it back on track and out of this recession. . .or so the media tells us. Since the issue is so important, I’ve decided to dedicate today on talking a bit more about the economy, starting with Gramm’s gaff. The Economist Talks About the Economy Phil Gramm, one of McCain’s top surrogates, a former presidential candidate and … Continue reading

Obama and McCain on the Economy

Polls show that the number one factor on Americans minds right now is the economy. Inflation is outpacing the national average for our pay raises. Unemployment is up, families are losing their homes, and more importantly, consumer confidence is down. The number one question we’re asking right now according to many polls, is what will the new president do to fix the economy. Yes, the economy is on our minds ever more so than bringing our troops home. Given that, I thought it appropriate to look at both McCain’s and Obama’s discussion of economics and how we’re going to ameliorate … Continue reading