Do You Have IT?

If you are a die-hard Harry Potter fan I’m sure you have better things to read than this blog right now. If you were one of the loyal fans that stood in line and got your hot little hands on “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” shortly after midnight—congratulations! You now have the answers you were looking for. So, was all the hype worth it? I don’t have the latest book (or any of them for that matter) so I wouldn’t know. What I do know is that the allure of the boy wizard far exceeded my expectations. Here’s why. … Continue reading

Harry Potter Mania

My daughter doesn’t know how to read yet, but even she knows who Harry Potter is. Not because we have any of the books. (We don’t.) Not because we’ve seen any of the movies (We haven’t.) It’s simply because it is virtually impossible to go anywhere these days without running into the boy wizard’s mug. Commercials for the latest Harry Potter movie are constantly on TV. Photos of the final book are all over the Internet. And stories regarding “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” leaks and lawsuits are saturating the evening news. Copies of the seventh and likely final … Continue reading

The End of LIFE

I’m likely showing my age by disclosing the fact that many of my grade school teachers made reading Life magazine a required part of our classroom curriculum. I used to spend a lot of time studying the magazine’s large glossy pictures. And, I’d venture to guess that even if we are not the same age, you have likely paged through a copy of the magazine yourself in an office lobby or in the waiting room at your doctor’s office. I think it’s safe to say the magazine is an institution, which is why I was saddened to hear that Life’s … Continue reading

Jenna Bush–The Author

One of the president’s daughters is getting a new title–author. According to news reports, 25-year-old Jenna Bush has written her first book, Ana’s Story: A Journey of Hope. The book, which will be published this fall, is not political in nature. Rather, Bush says it tells the story of a 17-year-old single mother who is living with HIV. In an interview with news reporters, Bush said she met the subject of her book while she was working as an intern for UNICEF in Panama. (Prior to the move Bush was a public school teacher in Washington, D.C.) In fact, Bush … Continue reading

Singer Turned Children’s Book Author

First it was Madonna… now Gloria Estefan is throwing her hat into the literary world too. The five-time Grammy winner has exchanged her piano keyboard for a computer keyboard to write about a brown-and-white bulldog named “Noelle” that beat the odds. Not unlike the famous singer who fought back following her 1990 bus crash, which left her paralyzed and wondering if she would ever walk again. Estefan, the author, has just put the final touches on “Noelle’s Treasure Tale”–the second installment in a series of colorful children’s books featuring the curious Noelle and her adventures. The book teaches kids about … Continue reading

A Father’s “Good” Deed Doesn’t Go Unpunished

“A Father’s ‘Good’ Deed Doesn’t Go Unpunished” or “Is This Something Your Husband Would Do?” Either one is an appropriate title for this blog and here’s why: What started as a heartfelt effort to cure his daughter’s fear of heights landed a Florida father in the hospital… and his story on the pages of newspapers across the country. News reports say that Troy Stewart of Lantana, Florida wanted so desperately to rid his 10-year-old daughter of her phobia he devised a method he thought would be a sure cure-all. According to a Flordia newspaper, Stewart and his daughter rode their … Continue reading

Fashion Statements

Perhaps you are too tired to talk. Or, maybe you are simply too shy to verbalize your opinions. Then you may be the perfect candidate for the talking tee. T-shirts that talk—well, not literally, but the messages emblazoned on them can give voice to your inner most thoughts. I agree some of them feature some crude and inappropriate statements (especially for tweens and teens to be wearing). But don’t despair, not all lettered t-shirts have to be censored prior to wearing them. Takepride tees showcase great graphics and a “hipster sensibility” for both sexes. These tees actually have positive messages … Continue reading

Is She Or Isn’t She?

Hollywood is a buzz with rumors that Jennifer Aniston is set to walk down the aisle with boyfriend Vince Vaughn. Celebrity magazines have splashed the news of Aniston’s engagement on their covers and radio talk show hosts have devoted entire shows to the rumored nuptials. The intense media coverage finally pushed the actress to speak out about the reports. In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE Magazine Aniston sets the record straight by denying published reports that she and Vaughn are engaged. Not only did she tell the magazine that the rumor is “insane” she went on to say that “people … Continue reading

10 Juicy News Items for the Week of August 7th

I love to scour the Internet and tabloids for entertainment news on a daily basis. It is part of my job, but it is more like my job grew out of my love for pop culture and entertainment. But, I realize some people cannot spend the time to look for the latest news items. So I have comprised what I think are the 10 juiciest news items of this week. Let me know if you think I left anything out! 10. Janet Jackson Nude on the Cover of VIBE Magazine I am really glad that Janet has lost so much … Continue reading

Injured Journalist Back At Work

I have been following the recovery of ABC newsman Bob Woodruff for months now. In January, the former “World News Tonight” anchor and his photographer Doug Vogt were standing in the hatch of an Iraqi mechanized vehicle, reporting on the war from the Iraqi troops’ perspective, when a roadside bomb exploded. While they were wearing body armor (which doctors say likely saved their lives), both men were seriously injured and have undergone a number of surgeries in the months following the attack. Every few weeks ABC releases bits of information on Woodruff’s progress. Milestones like his release from the hospital, … Continue reading