Scientists Say Glitter is Bad For the Environment

Glitter is popular with many people. You can find glitter on fancy holiday cards, in some cosmetics, and on your preschooler’s latest artwork. One annoying thing about glitter is that it has a tendency to spread. Environmental scientists are calling for a ban on glitter because it is an ecological hazard. Dr. Trisia Farrelly is an environmental scientist. She said all glitter should be banned because it is a microplastic. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that microplastics are the most prevalent type of marine debris found in our ocean and Great Lakes. Microplastics come from larger plastic … Continue reading

The “Two Minute Warning” Might Make Tantrums Worse

It has been said that the “two minute warning” is a good way to help a young child transition from playtime to another (less fun) activity. A study found that the “two minute warning” might actually make tantrums worse for some children – especially if the child was engaged in screen time. Researchers at the University of Washington’s Computing for Health Living & Learning Lab interviewed 27 families about how they manage media and screen time experiences for their toddlers and preschoolers. The answers to those questions informed a diary study that included 28 different families. Each family documented screen … Continue reading

Preschoolers Benefit From Process Art

What kind of artwork does your preschooler bring home? The art could be a free-flowing expression of your child’s exploration of art materials. Or, it could be something easily identifiable that your child’s teacher set up and your child happily pieced together. One of these two types of art is much better for preschoolers than the other. Project art could be described as a “craft”. The preschool teacher presents kids with the exact amount of supplies they need (included pieces that have been pre-cut by the teacher). Kids are to use those pieces in a precise way to make an … Continue reading

Things to Know About Preschoolers and YouTube Videos

Your preschooler may have developed an interest in YouTube videos. There are some videos out there that were created for young children to view. The majority of YouTube, however, is not intended for young children. Here are some things that parents need to know about preschoolers and YouTube videos. Limit Screen Time The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that television and other entertainment media should be avoided for infants and children under age 2. They also recommend that children and teens should engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours per day – and that the media … Continue reading

Fun Items for Frugal Dress Up Play

There is a quick and easy way to entertain your preschooler for at least half an hour or so. Let him or her play dress up! Preschoolers tend to love this activity because it lets them “become” someone else for a while. Dress up is a great opportunity for using one’s imagination. Here are some frugal ideas for dress up play. Frugal Dress Up Ideas for Preschoolers Old Costumes Previously worn Halloween costumes are great for playing dress up in. Your child can become a princess, a superhero, or both in the same day. Reuse the Halloween costumes that your … Continue reading

Protecting Preschoolers from Choking

Dealing with a picky preschooler at the dinner table may be the least of your concerns, according to a new study.  Instead of stressing about your child’s refusal to eat his veggies, researchers warn parents that they should be carefully monitoring four year olds while they chow down on classic kid favorites, like hot dogs, as the number of choking incidents among preschool-aged children is dangerously high. Researchers say a staggering 34 children a day are admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to choking.  That translates to more than 12,000 emergency room visits a year, though the study’s author notes … Continue reading

Putting Your Preschooler to Work

Nothing makes preschoolers happier than helping their parents.  Studies show that young children are wired to get pleasure from pleasing their mom or dad.  So, instead of ignoring your four-year-old when he offers to help you make the beds, fold laundry or put away groceries, allow him to exercise his independence by lending a hand. In some cases, a preschooler’s attempt at helping is more of a hindrance to parents; however, with a little patience you can turn these heartfelt efforts into teachable moments. When my now 8-year-old daughter was a preschooler nothing delighted her more than being able to … Continue reading

When Your Child Doesn’t Want to go to Preschool

Your child has been happily attending preschool for a while now. He or she always comes home with a smile and a story about something fun that happened that day. Now, suddenly, your child has started to resist going to preschool. What happened? Here is a quick checklist for parents who are baffled by their child’s declaration of “I don’t want to go to preschool!” Keep in mind that it is totally normal for a child to decided that he or she no longer wants to attend preschool. There are days when you don’t particularly want to go to work, … Continue reading

The Importance of Not Sharing

It’s one of life’s most important lessons and it doesn’t come easy. Sharing is a challenging concept for many adults to master, so imagine the toll it takes on preschoolers. Most preschool curriculums incorporate a slew of opportunities for four year olds to learn the fine art of sharing.  They are taught to be generous with their possessions so their peers don’t feel left out.  However, is sharing really caring?  Does it really matter if kids share and share alike? Some educators don’t think so. In fact, a growing number of preschools are putting the kibosh on forced sharing in … Continue reading

What to Look for in a Preschool

Can you tell the difference between a great preschool and one that isn’t so good? What qualities should a good preschool have? Many parents worry that the preschool they select won’t be the best possible choice for their young one’s early education. Here are some things that you should look for in a preschool. Consider this a quick “checklist” of positive traits that every preschool program should have. Is the preschool licensed? Each state has their own rules regarding the licensing of preschool programs. Find out what your state requires. Ask the to see the license that the preschool has. … Continue reading