10 Ways to Get Your Child to Listen

Make Eye Contact. Before you discipline  your child make eye contact.  Get on your child’s level.  Making eye contact will help your child focus on what you are saying.  Gently but firmly repeat what you want your child to do.  For instance, “Jill, I need you to pick up your toys. Please do this quickly so we can move on to the next thing.”  “Tommy, I told you to stop calling your sister names.  If you cannot obey then you will not be able to play.”  It is important to address your child with her name.  Again, it will redirect … Continue reading

Common Bedtime Complaints and How to Solve Them

Bedtime evokes feelings of frustration by many parents of preschoolers.  Some kids just hate going to bed at night.  They will say anything just to stay up one minute longer.  At first it may not seem like a big thing to allow a drink of water before bed but when it becomes a nightly habit it can wear on  your nerves.  Many times the pleas to stay up longer increase the more you give in to one last drink or one last bedtime story. Ways to Get Your Preschooler to Go to Bed and Stay in Bed “I’m still hungry.” … Continue reading

Travel Activity Bags to Keep Little Ones Busy

I have a very active four year old. She always complains that things “are taking too long” once we feels the pang of boredom, which is quite often. However, I am always on the run with my other kids. I have to run to soccer, swimming, homeschool co-op meetings, doctor appointments, just to name a few. Most of these activities and appointments require waiting for a four year old. If you are a parent of a four year old then you know that waiting is not so easy. So how can you make waiting a quiet activity and not stressful … Continue reading

DIY Bat Wings

If you are looking for an easy and frugal costume this year then try a bat. You only need to dress your child in black sweats and add the homemade wings. Turn it into a lesson by discussing bats! Bat Wings What You Need: Large sheets of black paper, preferably thick paper such as poster board Hole punch White crayon or chalk Scissors Black ribbon or yarn Glitter Glue Tempera paints Paint brush What to Do: Start by discussing bats with your child. It may be helpful to read a non-fiction book about bats or show her a few photographs. … Continue reading

3 Apple-Themed Crafts for Preschoolers

It is apple season and a perfect opportunity for apple themed crafts. The crafts listed are easy and do not require any unusual or expensive materials. Perhaps these crafts would be fun after a trip to the orchard picking apples. Pom Pom Apple Tree Supplies: Red pom poms Safety scissors Markers White paper Glue Instructions: Cut out a shape to look like the top of an apple tree. You can make it simple like a cloud. Cut out a shape to be the trunk of the tree. Glue the pieces to make a tree on a piece of paper. Allow … Continue reading

Pee Wee Soccer

When my son was five, I signed him up for a preschool soccer team. The games were super cute. The practices were a bit chaotic with crying children who wanted their turn or didn’t want to go on the field. When some of the children did not want to go on the field, the parents decided to encourage by dragging the child on the field and helping him kick the ball. This made it difficult for the kids able to go on the field, independent of parental help, to get time kicking the ball. This, of course, was more a … Continue reading

Preschool Conflict Resolution

Preschoolers are still learning socialization skills. They have a big world in front of them with a lot of rules and etiquette to employ. It can be confusing for little ones as they are just emerging from their egocentric personalities to understand that their actions affect others. However, they are still primarily concerned with their own wants and needs. A pair or roomful of preschoolers who are exploring their own ideas and want what they want can result in conflicts. Conflicts can end in tears and even hitting. It is imperative that preschoolers are taught from this early age how … Continue reading

Preschool Bullies

The topic of bullying is everywhere from on the news to school board meetings. We hear of cases of bullying between boys and girls from Kindergarten to high school. Sadly, we are now seeing cases of bullying as early as preschool. It is heartbreaking and if not stopped these preschool bullies will go on to brutalize many children through their years in school. What is bullying? Bullying is normally thought of as violent behavior such as hitting, pushing, kicking, and other forms of physical abuse. However, bullying also includes emotional abuse and destruction of property. If a child endures another … Continue reading

10 Things I Love About My Preschooler

1.Calls her hair by name. I am quite certain I have the only child who actually named her own hair. I am not sure how it all happened but one day she decided to call her hair by name, “Judy.” I wasn’t sure if she was just that charming or needed some mental help. She loves her hair and brushes it all the time so I suppose naming it is only natural. Right? Right?! 2.Pretends her scooter is a motorcycle. When she rides her scooter she revs it up like a motorcycle. Like all preschoolers, she loves to play pretend … Continue reading

Frustrating Shopping Experience

I just wrote about how some days with little ones make you want to scream. Well, I had one of those days today. Today was one day when I wondered if it was too late to give her up for adoption. Three is a tough age and today I was weak. I am stressed, I have a messy house, a broken washer, company coming tomorrow, swimming for the other kids in the morning, and a three year old that decides today is the day for whining and not listening. As I mentioned, most of the time we have issues with … Continue reading