Things to Know About Preschoolers and YouTube Videos

Your preschooler may have developed an interest in YouTube videos. There are some videos out there that were created for young children to view. The majority of YouTube, however, is not intended for young children. Here are some things that parents need to know about preschoolers and YouTube videos. Limit Screen Time The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that television and other entertainment media should be avoided for infants and children under age 2. They also recommend that children and teens should engage with entertainment media for no more than two hours per day – and that the media … Continue reading

Taming the Preschool Beast

Nothing unleashes a preschooler’s inner beast quite like extracting him from a fun environment without advanced warning. When my daughter was 4 years old she had an epic outburst at a children’s museum in Chicago because I failed to give her proper notification of our departure.  In doing so, I robbed her of the gradual transition I knew she needed in order to calmly exit the building. The fit she threw nearly got us thrown out of the museum. Looking back, my preschooler’s tantrum, which included tossing her shoes down a slide, was simply her way of staying true to … Continue reading

My Bedtime Learning Book

  Summary: My Bedtime Learning Book,  is a tool to reinforce basic lessons effortlessly through a child making her own book.  The child will draw a picture of herself, her home, and learn to dial her home phone number.  Other lessons include shapes, colors, numbers, letters, vowel sounds, time, money, days of the week, months of the year and more. Ages:  3 to 5 Cost:  $1.00 Buy HERE. Why it is Special to Me My Bedtime Learning Book is essentially the first educational product I developed.  At the time I never intended to sell it.  I made these little books with my … Continue reading

Keeping Your Time in Check

How To Decide on How to Spend your Time: Pray. Ask the Lord daily to order your steps each morning. Pray for wisdom in how you conduct your day. Always take time to pray over involving yourself in any activity, ministry, job, or program. Just because something sounds like an amazing opportunity does not mean it is the opportunity God has for you now. Understand your role in the Lord. There are things you never need to wonder if you should put time into being a wife and a mother if God has blessed you with being a wife and … Continue reading

Growing Up Too Fast

Now, I know that a third grader is hardly a preschooler.  But, I have a four year old that insists she is all grown up.  Why do they want to grow up so badly?  I always begin the bittersweet tears when my kid reaches the age of four.  Five years old is entirely too old and I feel like my mothering days are over.  Once a child reaches five or six years, your mother days are not over but a chapter is over.  While a new one begins it does not erase the sadness that your baby is on her … Continue reading

10 Ways to Get Your Child to Listen

Make Eye Contact. Before you discipline  your child make eye contact.  Get on your child’s level.  Making eye contact will help your child focus on what you are saying.  Gently but firmly repeat what you want your child to do.  For instance, “Jill, I need you to pick up your toys. Please do this quickly so we can move on to the next thing.”  “Tommy, I told you to stop calling your sister names.  If you cannot obey then you will not be able to play.”  It is important to address your child with her name.  Again, it will redirect … Continue reading

Why Santa Doesn’t Visit My Home

When my husband and I had our first child we were asked by grandparents if we were going to encourage her to believe in Santa Claus.  We both responded with a united no but with different reasons.  My husband felt it was a distraction from the true meaning of Christmas.  We are in agreement on this point.  But even if I could be persuaded the two concepts could live side by side, I would still struggle with keeping up with it.  I can’t even take a daily vitamin on a regular basis.  I also thought…and forgive me…having a child believe … Continue reading

Four years ago today….

Four years ago today I became a mom to my fourth and final child. She is such a joy and quite the talker. In fact, I am not sure she has gone more then a few minutes without chatting about something. She is much loved by all her siblings even on the days she makes that a challenging feat. I almost could not believe I had the privilege or raising one more child. I remembering thinking that three kids was enough and know my husband felt the same. But, we were wrong, three was not enough for our family and … Continue reading

Big Bear Hugs

My preschooler loves to give hugs. How can I complain about that? Well, I don’t know but I will give it the ole college try. Now understand that I do love her hugs. She gives great big bear hugs and squeezes her little arms tightly around your neck. It is very sweet and especially lovely since the other kids no longer hug like that. Yet, there is another side to her hugs. The side that says I must hug you for every one of life’s occurrences. She hugs… About 70 times before I walk out of the door and even … Continue reading

Holiday Photo Cards

Christmas will be here before you know it. Somehow it seems to come earlier every year unless you are a 5 year old waiting for a special toy under the tree. It feels too early to think about Christmas but it is time to think about holiday photo cards. I spent years waiting until the last minute and not being able to order holiday photo cards. One year I was rushed to get it in that I had to choose pictures I was not thrilled with. The best way to get a holiday photo card you are proud to send … Continue reading