Easy Peasy Chore Chart System

Product:  Easy Peasy Chores By:  The Good Old Days Farm Cost:  $15.99 for PDF Download and $17.99 for the PDF Download of the Homeschool Version Use:  To organize and facilitate chores for the whole family. Rating:  5 out of 4 stars (yes, it broke the ratings system) Where to get it:  Buy HERE. Features: Full Set of 300 plus color cards Full Set of same 300 set cards in black and white to save on ink or to let the kids color in. Detailed tutorials to help make it your own. “Ask Adult” cards with single parents and grandparents in … Continue reading

Indoor Activities

Spring has not been much fun in my neck of the woods.  We have cold snowy days and grey skies along with days of rain and more rain. Time for indoor activities is still at hand.  Here are some ideas to keep your little ones from climbing the walls. Go for a walk and explore how different things look when it’s raining or snowing. Make boats out of egg cartons or whatever Styrofoam  you just happen to have laying around. Play Doh Have a coloring contest! Set up a fort in your living room and camp out with snacks and … Continue reading

Keeping Little Hands Busy, Part Two

Here are ideas 6-10 of keeping your little ones busy. 6. Building Toys. You can have the kids do this at the table or on the floor. Provide building toys and challenge the kids to create a house, a car, or even a city. 7. Drawing Game. You will need blank paper, pencils, die, and a cube template. There are a few ways to play. For my girls, I draw princess items on the cube such as a dress, tiara, shoes, hair, etc. The girls draw a girl and roll the cube. They add whatever item the cube shows to their princess. … Continue reading

Keeping Little Hands Busy, Part One

Keeping little hands busy is important so they don’t get into too much trouble.  Here are five ways to do that easily. 1. Coloring. Simple ideas are often the most effective. A stack of dollar store coloring books and a box of crayons will keep little hands busy. You may want to provide blank paper and assign your child to draw something such as her favorite food, what she wants for her birthday, or her favorite animal. Consider providing markers, colored pencils, and other coloring mediums to add variety. Do A Dots are also a great choice. 2. Make Cookie … Continue reading

When Pink Milk Spills

My little one comes bouncing up the steps with a proud and excited look holding a ceramic mug of strawberry milk. She explained that she made it herself as she presented it to me like a gift. “MOMMY I made you pink milk!” The look on her face was priceless. After gathering up enough courage to look into the mug I see disproportionately huge amount of strawberry powder mixed with a little bit of milk. My mind is flooded with fear of the mess waiting for me downstairs. I skillfully retain the smile on my face as I rush down … Continue reading

Little Hands Can Help

“Can I help you, Mommy?”  That is the question I get almost every time I enter the kitchen to make a meal or dessert.  There is a part of me that is elated and another part of me that would rather not bother.  If I allow little hands to interfere than my task will take longer and result in a mess only a two year old can make.  Too often, I find myself  turning down my little helper in waiting while I rush to get the cooking done.  I hardly look up when I turn her or her siblings down.  … Continue reading


Yelling is something a parent should never do.  Easy to say.  Not so easy to adhere to in times of stress. I didn’t plan on writing about yelling tonight.  I didn’t plan on yelling tonight.  Who does?  As usual it wasn’t my child’s fault.  While she and her sister were clearly in the wrong and did not listen to instructions, it gives me no reason to lose control.  Yet, I did.  I am ashamed to say that yelling out of frustration is not a once in a blue moon occurrence.  It is the one thing I do that I do that … Continue reading

Winter Themed Birthday Party Ideas for Preschoolers

I have two children who have winter birthdays.  Having a summer birthday myself, I always felt sorry for children with winter birthdays.  It’s cold.  The weather is unpredictable.  A small children do not ski.  The sympathy for winter birthdays seems to be common.  When my children would reveal their January birthdays it was often met with an audible sigh that said, “I am so sorry.”  Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Winter is a beautiful season. It’s a wonderland that you can bring indoors to make a party that won’t soon be forgotten. Before, I discuss some fun … Continue reading

Busy Lives do not Build Lives

Busy does not mean productive. Busy does not mean importance. Busy does not mean a good education. We often busy our schedules and our children’s schedules so we feel like productive families who are preparing our children for the demands of the future.  We busy ourselves so much there is no time for family.  Spending time as a family to instruct our children is our primary purpose along with growing Godly children. After signing up my preschooler for swimming, gymnastics, and homeschool co-op, with plans for the next semester, I began to wonder if I was getting too involved in … Continue reading

Signs Your Preschooler May Be Dyslexic

Can you tell if your preschooler is dyslexic?  Dyslexia is not usually diagnosed at such an early age.  Learning is unique to every child and some may appear slow in some areas but catch up by the next year.  Many children exhibit more than one sign of Dyslexia and turn out to have it.  While for other children it is undeniable.  My 7 year old is dyslexic and while she did show some signs of dyslexia in preschool, she was not officially diagnosed until she was 6 years old.  Even at 6 years old, the reading specialist commented that I … Continue reading