Making a Counting Game

Counting has always been a fun activity for my kids when they were preschoolers. My new little preschooler loves to count everything. She counts as she walks up the steps, she counts how many baby dolls she has, she counts as she passes out the utensils for dinner. Children are natural math wizards. I believe they see math in its truest and simplest form. To encourage a love of math and not a fear I like to make math a game any time I can. Here are two counting games that are fun to try and make: Egg Carton Counting … Continue reading

Activity: Car Racing and Writing

When you have active children you have to stay one step ahead of the game. Children also love little toy cars both girls and boys alike. Here is a fun activity that incorporates cars, movement and a sense of fun. This is easy to do and will keep your little busy for quite some time. What you need: Several Cars Small markers or crayons in several different colors Electrical tape What you do: Tape your marker to the back of your car so that the marker still touches the ground yet can still move. How you play: Racing Game: You … Continue reading

Preschool Game: Hoot Owl Hoot!

How do you feel about cooperative games? Do you feel a child needs to learn to compete at an early age? Do you feel cooperative games are for those without a competitive spirit? Or do you feel cooperation is a skill best learned in a low stress and fun environment? I have to admit that the thought of a cooperative game seemed pointless. After all a game suggests a winner and a loser or can it really be called a game? My kids are involved in sports and in sports the team plays cooperatively to beat the other team. In … Continue reading

Preschool Math: Share A Berry

In my house board games are always a hit. I use them for fun and for education. My almost three year old asked to “play board game” just the other day. Since it is a favorite family activity we have to have board games that keep everyone’s interest and cause much laughter and fun. If the game is educational in addition it quickly becomes a mom favorite. Recently, a game caught my homeschooling mom attention for math, following directions and skills in taking turns. The game is Share A Berry by Simply Fun. The game is just that, simply fun. … Continue reading

Life is a Game

I don’t know about you, but my preschooler loves games. She has recently discovered board games, but, she is not partial. She will play just about any game that you will engage with her in. We are lucky enough to live 2 blocks from a grocery store. So, to get some afternoon energy out on a rarely “warm” day here in Salt Lake City, we walked to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for something very important for Valentine’s day. Cupcakes. As we were walking back, my daughter decided that rather than wear her coat, she wanted to put … Continue reading

The Learning Journey

We are lucky to have lots of older cousins in our family. So, we have inherited lots of fun toys as the cousins have cleaned out their closets. One of my daughter’s favorite things to do in her spare time is puzzles. She has loved them forever! One puzzle we inherited is made by the company, The Learning Journey. They make educational toys and products for children, and they are great for any preschooler. We have one puzzle that we inherited from an older cousin called The Giant ABC-123 Train. This puzzle is a train that your child puts together … Continue reading

Stocking the Dress-Up Box

Does your preschooler have a dress-up box? It’s time to start! The dress up box is a favorite at our house, where pretend play is big these days. How can you stock a dress-up box? The thrift store is the first stop. Just after Halloween is an excellent time to find fabulous former Halloween costumes at low prices. You can find everyday, “mom’s clothes” glamour there too. I’m talking sequins and purses and such. Of course, in the men’s section there are fabulous hats and wool sweaters that you can shrink in the wash to little person size. Look for … Continue reading

Sleds and Other Things That Go: Fabulous Preschool Snow Toys

Whee! Winter has arrived in our neck of the woods, although here in the Pacific Northwest winter usually enters with a whimper and doesn’t stay long before the rains begin again. Yesterday we used the opportunity provided by a couple of inches of snow and went sledding. We have a good old boat of a sled, but it’s a little slow. Sometimes we want a bit more speed and better handling so that we don’t thwack into trees, and so went on an investigation of the wild snow toys that are on the market right now. Here are a few … Continue reading