Should You Create A Birth Plan?

Should you create a birth plan?  It can be a helpful tool for making your wishes known both to your healthcare provider and the labor & delivery staff, but it also seems a little silly to plan something like one’s labor: after all, if we could control it, we would all have easy births. When I first heard about birth plans, I decided that they weren’t for me.  I’m a very Type A person; I get stressed if even my silliest of plans get messed up, if they’re ones I’m excited about.  Trying to plan my baby’s birth, and everything … Continue reading

Have You Considered a Home Birth?

During my second pregnancy, my husband and I decided that we wanted a different prenatal care and birth experience than we had with our first son, who was born in the birthing center of our local hospital. We found a pair of wonderful home – birth midwives, and we worked with them throughout the pregnancy until I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and my care had to be transferred to a hospital. Even though we did not get to have the home birth that we had wanted, the care that we received up until the transfer to the hospital was much … Continue reading

Preparing for Your Home Birth

When you plan to have your baby at home, part of preparing yourself for the birth of your baby includes preparing your home so that you have a safe and comfortable place to give birth. As your pregnancy progresses, why not gather up everything that you will need and place it in the area where you would like your birth to take place. The biggest item that you will need is the birthing tub, if you would like to have a water birth. Tubs can be purchased or rented, so ask your midwives about what options there are in your … Continue reading

Deciding Where to Give Birth

When you got pregnant, you took care to choose a prenatal health care provider or team of providers that you could trust to provide the best care for you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. As the time for baby’s arrival draws near, you may be faced with another major health care decision – where to give birth. For example, you may be working with midwives and preparing for a home birth until something happens late in the pregnancy which requires that your care be transferred to a hospital. That just happened to me. You could also be planning to … Continue reading

Top Tips for Creating a Birth Plan

Today’s blog topic comes from Elizabeth Stein, a women’s health expert and certified nurse midwife of 25 years. She is also a patient advocate of patient empowerment, so she has put together a list of tips on how to create a birth plan to ensure a positive emotional experience for the mother-to-be, and to give her as much control over her birthing experience as possible. When Ms. Stein’s publicist contacted me to share this list, I just knew I had to share it with you. A birth plan can be a very valuable tool. To learn more about Elizabeth Stein, … Continue reading

C-Section Rates Are Higher Than Ever

I can’t believe how common cesarean sections are these days. According to an article published on, nearly one in three deliveries are via c-section. That is a scary number. Women’s bodies are meant to delivery vaginally and cesareans should only be performed in emergencies. The fact that the cesarean rate is approaching one third means something is seriously wrong with our health care system. Cesareans are more likely to happen when labor is induced. Unfortunately, induction is happening with more and more frequency, and for all the wrong reasons. The general rule of thumb when it comes to labor … Continue reading

Alternative Birth Apparel

As soon as you arrive to the hospital, you are given a bag for your personal belongings and the notorious hospital gown, which is essentially a sheet with snap sleeves and tie strings. Five minutes after putting it on, you realize how annoying they are. It’s not easy to access monitors when the only opening is in the rear. When you walk around, you need a second gown just to cover your bum. After you give birth, you have to pull the top all the way down just to breastfeed. There is nothing discreet about a hospital gown. You have … Continue reading

Choosing a Labor Support Person

No one should ever have to give birth alone. Whether it is a husband, a mother, a sister, a doula or a friend present – the importance of a personal labor support person is paramount. Labor is scary at times and the pain can make it difficult to speak or think clearly. The new mother needs someone to voice her concerns when she cannot and comfort her when she is feeling distressed, tired or scared. When you are choosing someone to go into the delivery process with you, think about the way you think they’ll respond under pressure. Will they … Continue reading


Occasionally it becomes necessary to medically induce labor. A women might appear to be “stuck” in latent labor, she may be too far past her estimated due date, her blood pressure might be too high (hypertension), or the baby might be experiencing fetal distress. Sometimes the reasons are not medical in nature. If a woman is full term and her preferred doctor is going to be out of town, she might be induced so her doctor is able to deliver the baby. I have also heard of pregnant women being induced so their husbands can attend the birth while they … Continue reading

The Hospital: What to Bring vs. What to Borrow

While it is recommended that you pack a bag for your stay at the hospital when you have a baby; it’s not completely necessary. A lot of items will be given to you. If you’re looking to save yourself from bringing so many things (and risk accidentally leaving them there), here is a guide to what is definitely worth bringing and which hospital provided items are just as good. Clothes The hospital will provide you with hospital gowns and lovely mesh underwear. No surprise there! You are more than welcome to wear hospital gowns during your entire stay and change … Continue reading