Going Past the Due Date wtih a VBAC

Women with prior c sections are beginning to question the logic that “once a c section, always a c section”. As a result, more women are attempting a VBAC delivery for their second pregnancy. In some cases, doctors may be hesitant to let the pregnancy continue past the due date. Some are going as far as recommending c sections up to a week before the actual due date. You may be wondering what to do in such a situation. It is really important for both you and your doctor to remember a due date is merely an estimate. There have … Continue reading

When Should the Umbilical Cord Be Cut?

One procedure more parents are considering as part of the birth plan is when to cut the umbilical cord. Should the cord be cut just after the birth? Should you wait until it stops pulsating to cut it? There are two completely different opinions on when to cut the umbilical cord. Some doctors believe the cord should be cut immediately after birth and not later than 30 seconds after the baby is born. This is largely due to a belief that delayed cord cutting can cause breathing difficulties in the new baby. Other doctors and most midwives are advocates of … Continue reading

Choosing a Health Care Provider for VBAC

One of the biggest factors in the success of a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) is your health care provider. In some cases, the choice of a health care provider can mean the difference between VBAC success and another c section. The first thing you should do after deciding to try for VBAC is to start looking for the right doctor or midwife. The attitude of the doctor has a big impact on achieving success with a VBAC delivery. Some doctors are in favor of VBAC and will be supportive of your efforts. However, not all doctors feel this way. … Continue reading

Does Natural Birth Really Matter?

Proponents of natural child birth say natural birth is the safest option for both mothers and their babies. Some women swear by the epidural and will recommend one immediately upon hearing the news that you are expecting a baby. You may be left wondering if natural child birth is really all that important. Does it matter whether you have pain medication when you are in labor? Although opinions vary widely on this issue natural child birth does offer some benefits to the mother and baby. One benefit to the mother is a lower risk of interventions during labor, such as … Continue reading

Writing a Birth Plan for VBAC Delivery

All women should write a birth plan. Your plan expresses your wishes for your labor, birth and the time immediately following the birth. Having a well written plan makes it easier for your support people and medical personnel to carry out your wishes. There are special considerations in a VBAC birth that make a good plan even more valuable. Medical interventions are sometimes instituted sooner in a VBAC situation than in a typical vaginal delivery. The concern for complications can cause some doctors to jump the gun in suggesting interventions or a repeat c section. A well thought out plan … Continue reading

Planning for a VBAC Delivery

If you have had one previous c section, you may be interested in trying for a vaginal birth with your next baby. You may be worried about your ability to have a successful birth, especially if you didn’t labor with the first baby or labor didn’t progress. There are things you can do to boost your confidence and help ensure a successful VBAC delivery. There is good reason to be optimistic about your VBAC. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology estimates that nearly 80 percent of women who do attempt a VBAC birth are able to have a successful … Continue reading

How Common is Uterine Rupture?

I have heard countless women say online that their doctors don’t recommend VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) due to the risk of uterine rupture. In fact, every single woman I know in real life who had one c section was told the same thing by their physicians. This made me wonder how common is a uterine rupture? What is the real risk? Is this a big risk after one c section or a scare tactic? So I decided to do a bit of research. The language used by doctors certainly sounds scary. I’ve had friends told that if they attempt … Continue reading

Unassisted Childbirth

Unassisted childbirth, also called freebirth, is when a woman gives birth at home with no midwife present. Often the woman’s partner or another family member is present, but no medical personnel. The stories of unassisted birth are not the scenario we typically envision where the birth takes place in the car on the way to the hospital or after a very short labor at home. These women are giving birth at home, without any medical assistance on purpose. This movement is growing in the United States. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 7,000 babies were born unassisted in … Continue reading

A Change in Thinking about Induction?

It appears that some doctors and hospitals are having a change of heart regarding inductions. Over the past decade, the rate of inductions has been steadily increasing. The number of inductions doubled between the years of 1990 and 2004, the last year of available statistics. In many hospitals, the number is on the decline now. Inductions have become so popular that doctors were doing them upon request. In some cases, the woman requested the induction for a particular birthday, such as January 1, 2000 or July 7, 2007. In other cases, the woman may just be anxious to have the … Continue reading

When Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Attend the Birth

For the vast majority of couples, the husband’s presence in the delivery room is taken for granted. Gone are the days when the father to be would sit in the waiting room, smoking cigars and waiting for news about the baby. For the past few generations, fathers have been welcomed into the delivery room and have taken an active role in helping their wives cope during labor. There are still some men out there who would love to go back to those days. For a variety of reasons, these men have no desire to witness the birth of their children. … Continue reading