Choosing Goals for Your Baby’s Birth

In the first part of this blog, I discussed setting goals for labor. Those goals focused on your perfect labor and how goals can help you achieve it. The same is true for the actual birth and the time immediately following the birth. Clear goals and expectations can help you have the best possible experience. Your birth plan should reflect your goals for the birth of your baby. Many of the issues that will need to be addressed involve medical interventions. Philosophically speaking, how do you feel about the interventions commonly used in child birth? Is your basic belief that … Continue reading

Choosing Goals for Your Birth Plan for Labor

A birth plan is an essential part of having the birth that you want. All pregnant women should write a comprehensive birth plan that describes their preferences for labor, birth and the immediate post partum period. Before you can write a birth plan, you need to know what you want. That is where having goals is beneficial. Setting goals for your birth is a big topic. For this reason, I will split it into two blogs, one for labor and the other for the birth and beyond. In our society, we often focus on what can go wrong during birth. … Continue reading

When Your Family Disagrees with Your Birth Plans

In two past blogs, I’ve talked about the benefits of having family and the benefits of limiting the people you have present at the birth of your baby. In the end, only you can decide how you want to give birth. Inevitably, someone will have an issue with your decision. This will happen regardless of the choices you make. If you decide to have family present, you can bet there will be a few that won’t want to be there. They may make comments about birth and not ever wanting to see it. This sometimes happens with grandfathers and may … Continue reading

The Benefits of Limiting Family at Baby’s Birth

In a past blog, I talked about the benefits of including family in the delivery room. Some women view birth as a family event and want a room full of loved ones on the big day. Other women don’t want a crowd watching the birth. These women often view birth as an intimate time that is best enjoyed with only the father of the baby. I fall into this category. When my first baby was born, my mother in law, sister in law and a close friend came to the hospital. This was fine during labor, since they were in … Continue reading

The Benefits of Family in the Delivery Room

At some point in your pregnancy, you will need to decide who will be joining you in the delivery room. Some women like a lot of support and believe birth is a family event that should be shared. Women with this belief like more than just their partners in the room. There are some benefits to having family present in the delivery room. If you are the kind of person who draws support from family and close friends, you may like company during labor. Giving birth surrounded by love and support can be a beautiful way to welcome a baby … Continue reading

Who Will Be Present at the Birth?

At some point in your pregnancy, you will need to decide who will be present at the birth. This can vary from just the couple to a room full of family and friends. Don’t be surprised if friends and family members have strong opinions on this subject. They may voice them loudly, particularly if their ideas differ from yours. How do you feel about company in the delivery room? Are you the type of person who craves support from extended family or close friends? Do you prefer to be alone with your partner to welcome your baby into the world? … Continue reading

Is Your Hospital Baby Friendly?

When you are choosing a place to have your baby, consider a baby friendly hospital. If you want an environment that supports bonding and breastfeeding, this is the best possible choice you can make for a hospital birth. You will have immediate and continual contact with your baby and will get the support and help you need to breastfeed successfully. The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative was started by UNICEF to help health care providers give patients the best care and to help support mothers in feeding and caring for the babies. To be considered baby friendly, the hospital must meet … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Who’s Catching the Baby

Did you catch, or would you catch, your own baby if you could? This question was posed to me recently, and gave me pause for thought. I distinctly remember, while pushing my second daughter out, being encouraged to “just reach down and grab her”. It sounds a little bit easier than it is. I was very much in the middle of something – namely, pushing another human being out of myself – so I had little concentration to devote to the task. Ultimately, it wasn’t something I was intensely interested in, and so I don’t regret replying to the suggestion … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About the Mirror, the Crown and the Miracle

Aside from the experience as a whole, there will be some specific magical elements present in the delivery room. The Mirror – This item is often found in delivery rooms, inconspicuously set to the side and given little thought throughout most of labor. It will present itself to you at the most awkward moment, where you will most likely expect it the least and initially be slightly annoyed at its appearance. Its purpose will then become clear to you: It is merely a temporary talisman. You may use it simply for encouragement if you so choose, or you may use … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: How to Induce Labor Naturally

If you’re attempting to have the most natural labor possible, you’re going to want to avoid artificial induction at all costs. Not only are artificially-induced contractions often significantly stronger and more painful, but starting labor unnaturally can likely lead to further complications. The current state of your cervix will determine how likely the onset of labor is. No amount of any of these, save number one maybe, will produce a baby if it’s not time. Sure, there are plenty of old wive’s tales for starting labor naturally, including eating spicy foods or taking a ride down a bumpy road. But … Continue reading