Get Your Labor Started Naturally

If you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, you are probably wondering whether and when your labor will begin. If you are overdue, and you are nearing the date when you would be induced you may also wonder whether labor will start on its own before then. If you are interested in trying to give things a nudge in that direction, there are a few things that you can do if your prenatal health care provider says that it okay to do them. It is essential that you ask your care provider first because each pregnancy is different, and … Continue reading

Things You May Not Know About C Sections

Whether you are planning a c – section or not, there is always the possibility that you could end up delivering that way. My second son, Blake, arrived via c – section after he began to show signs of stress during delivery. I had not been planning a c – section and knew next to nothing about it. There was no real time to anticipate it or become afraid, because I was moved out of my room and into the operating room with barely any time to think. Fortunately, the operation went well and both Blake and I recovered quickly. … Continue reading

Meeting Baby For The First Time

If you are pregnant with your first child, you may be wondering what it’s like to meet your new baby for the first time at the hospital. Of course, since every child and every birth is different, there is no “standard procedure” by which new parents get acquainted with their newborns. The births of my two sons were different, so I met each of them in a slightly different way. Dylan was born at around seven in the evening. He was born in a local hospital, and my labor had been induced because of preeclampsia. The delivery was fairly uneventful, … Continue reading

Deciding Where to Give Birth

When you got pregnant, you took care to choose a prenatal health care provider or team of providers that you could trust to provide the best care for you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. As the time for baby’s arrival draws near, you may be faced with another major health care decision – where to give birth. For example, you may be working with midwives and preparing for a home birth until something happens late in the pregnancy which requires that your care be transferred to a hospital. That just happened to me. You could also be planning to … Continue reading

Labor Pain

Pain in labor is, for most women, inevitable. As I anticipated the birth of our daughter, I knew that before I held my newborn in my arms, I would have to undergo a certain amount of pain. Pain is not something that I seek out, but the pain of labor was something that I had tried to prepare myself for the only way I knew how; by not dwelling on it. I had already experienced a pretty intense labor with my son. I chose to do an intervention free labor and delivery with my son. I found a midwife that … Continue reading

Our Daughter’s Birth

My contractions were coming hard and fast. I had only been in the birthing pool for about ten minutes when I had the incredible urge to push. While maintaining my breathing, I started to push. At first I pushed very cautiously with short gentle pressure, but the urge to push was not subsiding. I moved into a squatting position, my husband, our midwife, and her nurse were around the birthing pool, but I was not really aware of their presence because I was focusing on my contractions, my breath, and pushing. The period of transition was not what I remember … Continue reading

Labor Part IV

I had been in active labor for a good three hours when, I agreed to have my water broke. I actually never crossed my mind to have my water artificially broken, but in the midst of very strong contractions and the prospect of getting through it sooner, it seemed like a good idea to me. I had to lay down so that the midwife could check my progress and I was eight centimeters dilated. I had several contractions while laying down on my back and they were the worst! The midwife waited for a contraction to put pressure on the … Continue reading

Labor Part III

After about thirty minutes of these stronger contractions, I told my husband to call the midwife. It was about eight in the morning. Once the midwife and her on-call nurse arrived, they checked my progress. I was still only about three centimeters dilated but my cervix was now anterior so there was progress albeit still slow progress in the last eight hours of labor. Soon after the midwife and nurse arrive my contractions continued to get stronger and more painful. The contractions seemed to be right on top of each other. With every contractions I reached for my husband for … Continue reading

Labor Part I

Similar to my first pregnancy, I never lost my mucus plug and did not have bloody show before I went into labor. Labor started without warning this time around too. My contractions began at five in the evening on the first day of my thirty ninth week of pregnancy. The contractions were very mild and felt like menstrual cramps. I mentioned to my husband that I was having some contractions and he started recording them. They were anywhere from four to fifteen minutes apart and lasted twenty to thirty seconds. I had experienced similar contractions a week earlier so I … Continue reading

Schedule an Induction?

It seems that there is a growing trend to have your baby on a certain date. Maybe your doctor has a trip coming up and you want to make sure that he is there when you deliver, or there is a holiday weekend that would be super convenient for your husband’s work schedule. Maybe, you want the baby to share a birthday with a relative, or think it would be cool for your baby to be born on a certain day like, 01/11/11. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to be induced, you might want to look at a recent … Continue reading