My Experience With Natural Childbirth, Part 2

There are many different ways to cope with the pain of childbirth. When it comes to a drug free birth, you have your choice of Lamaze, the Bradley Method, acupuncture, hypnosis, yoga, meditation, walking, massage, taking a bath or shower, or distracting yourself. I largely credit my ability to cope with the pain of childbirth to two things: prayer and the Bradley Method. I had taken a childbirth class through the hospital that loosely followed the Lamaze method, focusing on patterned breathing and relaxation. A few weeks before I gave birth to my son, however, we enjoyed dinner and conversation … Continue reading

Patient Controlled Epidural Anesthesia

Women choosing epidural anesthesia for the birth of their babies now have a new option in many hospitals. Across the country and around the world hospitals are beginning to offer patient controlled epidural anesthesia. In traditional epidurals, the pain medication is administered automatically through the epidural. With patient controlled anesthesia, the woman pushes a button to increase the pain medicine. When you feel you need more relief, push the button. It is not possible to take too much, as it is set not to go past the maximum safe dosage. There are several benefits to this method, compared to the … Continue reading

Pain Relief for Back Labor

Back labor is a term used for pain in the lower back that occurs during labor. The pain tends to happen both during and between contractions. The position of the baby is generally the cause. Back labor tends to occur when the back of the baby’s head is pressing into the lower part of your spine. Like all labor, women experience back labor differently. As the baby moves through the pelvis, the head will often turn to the anterior position. In some cases, this will relieve the back labor pains. Other women will continue to experience back pain throughout the … Continue reading

Epidurals and Interventions in Labor

Many women consider their epidurals the saving grace during labor. Women have varying beliefs; with some believing a natural birth is the safest thing for mom and baby. Others can’t understand why anyone would ever give birth without the benefit of an epidural. As it turns out, there may be a price to pay for the comfort of little pain during labor. Having an epidural increases the likelihood of certain medical interventions in labor. Some studies show it can raise the risk of needing a c section too. Natural child birth advocates point out studies which show epidurals can increase … Continue reading

When Epidurals Go Wrong

Epidurals are used in 60 percent of births in the United States. A cathedar is inserted into the space between the vertebrae, also known as the epidural space. Medication is administered through the cathedar, numbing sensation in the lower part of the body. In most cases, the procedure works fine and there are no lasting negative effects. In a small number of cases, things do not go according to plan. Some women experience severe reactions to the epidural. About 1 in 10,000 will experience convulsions. In other cases, medical error during the procedure can lead to severe injury or even … Continue reading

Coping Strategies for Transition

Transition is the end of active labor. During this phase, your cervix will dilate from 8 to 10 inches. At the end of transition, you will begin to deliver your baby. This is the most intense part of labor and it is the one that pregnant women tend to fear the most. You can prepare for this phase of labor to reduce fear and add a few coping strategies to your repertoire. During transition, the contractions are much stronger than earlier in the labor. The contractions come about every two minutes and last one minute, so you don’t get the … Continue reading

Why I Chose Hypnobirthing

I was led to hypnobirthing, because I was looking for a tool to help me to have a natural childbirth. I had wanted to have a natural childbirth with my first child, but the class my husband and I took only taught us a few breathing techniques. We didn’t practice, and so I became overwhelmed and received an epidural. For the birth of my second child, I decided to take the easy way out and get the epidural before things got rough. But I did not feel good about an epidural for my third child, and so I needed to … Continue reading

Did Hypnobirthing Work for Me?

Hypnobirthing worked for me on many levels, but I did not have a completely pain free experience. At the same time I was not seeking a completely pain free experience and so I was not disappointed in the results. I used the Hypnobabies program, which is a home study program. The classes last about six weeks. You read from a manual and then listen to a CD every day. You can slow down the classes by listening to the CDs for a longer amount of time. After you complete the class you are supposed to follow a maintenance program, which … Continue reading

How Water Helped Me Achieve a Natural Childbirth

I was able to have a natural childbirth experience with my first child. Though my labor lasted about fourteen hours, I never felt as though the pain was unbearable or that I needed any medication to take off the edge of the contractions. However, labor with my second child was a different story. Almost from the start, labor seemed more intense and painful than my first one had been. I was in for my check up the afternoon I went into labor and my doctor told me that I was already four centimeters dilated. I was so excited and thought … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Acupuncture During Labor

A new study of pregnant women in the ob/gyn journal shows that acupuncture can speed labor in most women. Although the women probably did not deliver the baby any sooner than they otherwise would have, it dramatically reduced the active phase of labor for most women in the group. This could translate to significant pain relief or less pain altogether for a laboring woman. The following quote is derived from the medical journal Acta Obstretricia et Gynecologica, 2006;85:1348-53: In a study of 100 pregnant women who were about to give birth, 48 were given acupuncture while the remainder had standard … Continue reading