Natural Acne Remedies for Pregnant Women

For some women, acne becomes a problem or gets worse during pregnancy. Products to treat acne can cause ingredients that are unsafe for the baby. Even if the ingredients are safe, they tend to have harsh chemicals. These can irritate the skin, which can become more sensitive during pregnancy. Natural skin care products are the best option for expectant mommies. You can find natural or organic lines in health food stores or on the internet. These products tend to be more expensive than many over the counter skin care remedies. Some women don’t mind the added expense, but others may … Continue reading

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are an unfortunate, but normal part of having a baby. Some women are more prone to the marks than others. The elasticity of the skin, family history and ethnicity all play a role in whether or not you will have stretch marks. There are some creams on the market that claim to fade stretch marks. These contain ingredients such as vitamin E, cocoa butter and collagen. The results are questionable. A few may fade them a bit, but it is unlikely that any cream will completely eliminate stretch marks. These creams are most useful for preventing stretch marks. … Continue reading

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a common side affect of pregnancy. Women spend a great deal of time worrying about these marks. Products are sold that claim the ability to prevent or fade the unsightly stretch marks. Before attempting to treat or prevent stretch marks, its important to understand how they are formed. Basically, stretch marks work like they sound. They are caused by tears in the tissues of the skin. These small tears occur in the sub dermal layers of the skin. The connective tissues are usually affected by the stretching of the skin during pregnancy. Stretch marks begin in the … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Handling Unwanted Belly Comments

I am very lucky to be with a man that finds the pregnant body sexy and beautiful. And he’s not the only one: Men in most cultures find fertility very attractive, leading the women to flaunt it in its many forms, especially pregnancy. Coming home to this kind of acceptance had a profound impact on my self-image during what was a very large pregnancy for me. This was especially true with all the unwanted, sometimes rude comments I received due to my large belly. I found respite in talking to my fiancé about how upset they made me. I’m not … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Handling Unwanted Belly Touching

I for one find the pregnant belly a very beautiful thing, and I’m sure that I’m not alone in my sentiments. We’ve all experienced the stranger in the grocery store coming up to us and rubbing our belly affectionately, practically bursting with bubbly joy. Women especially just love to gush about how wonderful it is to be bringing a new baby into the world. It’s as if by touching your belly they feel like they are already touching a soft little baby hand. Sure, I loved showing off my big belly. And I also loved sharing the news and talking … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Maternity Clothes

During my first pregnancy, about five months was when I began to show a need for maternity clothes. But the second pregnancy revealed itself much earlier. It seemed as though I needed maternity clothes the minute I saw that positive test. Depending on how rapid your stomach is growing, this article can help you decide what style is right for you. I also have a few tips for stretching your pre-pregnancy wardrobe, how to choose the right bra for a growing bustline, and the deal with the pants. Also, check out some pictures of me modeling some different styles at … Continue reading