Why Exercise During Pregnancy

Our bodies were designed to be exercised. Our muscles are meant to be toned and our hormones depend on aerobic movement to stay in balance. Without exercise our metabolisms slow and our immune systems become weakened. Exercise is important and should play a significant role in our daily lives. The need for exercise does not go away with pregnancy, rather the need is increased. Countless studies have shown the health benefits of exercise for both mother and baby. Exercise relieves and prevents aches and pains that are common during pregnancy, which giving the mother a surge in endorphins giving her … Continue reading

Exercising with a Friend

I can say with complete truthfulness that exercising is hard! There is however no denying how beneficial exercise is to one’s health. This is even more true for pregnant women as exercise not only benefits the pregnant woman but her baby as well. Yet the difficulty remains. Exercise seems to be an ever present cloud because is something that needs to be done nearly every single day. Symptoms of pregnancy does not make conquering the mountain that is exercise any easier, yet perhaps the knowledge that the baby is reaping incalculable benefits might be a better source of motivation. When … Continue reading

Exercise in the First Trimester

Exercise is hard regardless if you are pregnant or not. It just is. It takes commitment, will-power, and education. For pregnant women exercise is absolutely imperative. Exercise along with diet can almost guarantee a pregnancy free of major complications, manageable labor, and natural delivery. Pregnant women are strongly encouraged to engage in some form of exercise daily during pregnancy. As to the intensity and type of exercise: this depends entirely on the individual pregnant woman. If she is active and has been exercising regularly before pregnancy, she can continue her regular exercise routine until it becomes uncomfortable at which point … Continue reading

Temporary and Permanent Changes

I experienced many changes with my first pregnancy. Some of these changes were permanent while others were only temporary. Some of these changes were good while others where entirely unwanted. Change is inevitable and a necessary part of life. I experienced more changes in that 9 month period than I did in my entire life. Temporary Changes: I experienced chronic fatigue and nausea accompanied by frequent vomiting from week 5 through week 15 of my first pregnancy. I also gained weight steadily in my 2nd and 3rd trimesters. With a sustained diet and exercise, I was able to lose most … Continue reading

Motivation to Exercise

I have never been much of an exerciser. I went for runs with my college roommates but that only lasted a couple weeks. I made good use of the treadmill in the basement in the last few weeks preceding my wedding. I took a Pilate class for a month just to get out of the house while my husband spent late nights at rehearsals during graduate school. I never stuck with anything I tried and I never really cared. Sure I needed to get fit and tone my pathetically weak muscles, but the motivation just wasn’t there. That all changed … Continue reading

Will Your Body Bounce Back?

The truth of the matter is, that there are some parts of your body that may never bounce back. I hate to sound negative, but I like to keep it real too!! After all, there are some things that I wish other women would have told me about how much my body would change, and how some parts of my body would never be the same again! Some women have it easy. You know the type. They are most likely thin to begin with, have never struggled with their weight, and bounce back from each and every pregnancy like it … Continue reading

Working Out During Pregnancy

With my first pregnancy, I was just in survival mode. I was working full-time, and just trying to make it through the day each day. I would collapse on the couch exhausted, and just wanted to go to bed at 7pm at night. I did not even think about working out, or exercising during that pregnancy. I was too overwhelmed with just feeling sick, or huge, or not comfortable. I survived that pregnancy just fine, and went on to have a healthy, happy baby. With my second pregnancy, I decided I would work out more. I went to the gym … Continue reading

Four Ways to Get Exercise During Your Pregnancy

It’s comforting to me, a person who associates exercise with pain, discomfort and boredom, that even the most disciplined women must set aside their rigorous routines during pregnancy. Is it terrible to appreciate how pregnancy puts so many of us on level playing ground? The fact is, exercise is really good for pregnant women, but it must be modified for the safety of both mom and baby. You never want to be out of breath when you are pregnant, and you certainly don’t want to be jostling that poor baby around on the jogging path. Pilates has been recommended to … Continue reading

Pregnant Or Just Into Maternity Fashion?

Earlier this week, Mariah Carey was spotted wearing a maternity dress from A Pea In the Pod. Add to that all the rumors surrounding her fuller figure, and you’ll understand just why everyone is convinced she is pregnant. All other rumors and reasons aside, how much can one really deduce from a wardrobe choice? It begs the question: would you wear a maternity dress even if you were not pregnant? There are two reasons I think you can assume a women is pregnant if she is wearing maternity clothes. The first reason has to do with fit. My take is … Continue reading

Maternity Swimsuit Options

Signs that summer is coming: wasps buzzing around your windows, realizing you need to mow the lawn again… and swim suits cropping up on store racks everywhere! It’s swimsuit shopping season, which brings us to the ultimate question: one or two? Will you show off your blossoming figure in a one piece or two piece swim suit this summer? Reasons to Wear a One Piece: 1. A one piece swimsuit does a pretty good job of hiding those pesky stretch marks. 2. A one piece protects your belly from the sun’s rays, which can darken the linea negra. 3. Certain … Continue reading