Track Your Growth

One of the fun parts of pregnancy is watching your figure round out and blossom into a beautiful, bountiful baby belly. Some women have a hard time watching their hourglass turn into a beach ball, but there is nothing more gorgeous than a pregnant woman’s body, in my opinion. There are lots of ways to track your growth and watching your progress can be a fun way to get your mind of more worrisome aspects of pregnancy. One of the most popular ways to document your growing belly is through pictures. Taking a photo of your burgeoning profile each week … Continue reading

Pregnant Pilates

I have a friend who is very physically fit and currently pregnant. Before she became pregnant, she was in excellent shape. After she became pregnant, she continued to exercise under her doctor’s supervision. She is about 24 weeks and she is just starting to really show because her stomach is so well supported. It is shocking to me because when I was 24 weeks along I was already getting comments like “any day now, huh?” I asked her how she could still look so great, especially considering this is her third pregnancy. Her secret? Pilates! My “next pregnancy resolution” is … Continue reading

The Pressure to Lose Baby Weight

The average woman gains 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. Much of this weight is lost after the baby is born, and the rest is slowly lost during the first 3-6 months. This is completely normal. It seems that along with the Hollywood trend of having babies (and publicizing it) has come the trend of losing the baby weight in just a few weeks. I remember looking at a picture of Jessica Alba a few weeks after she had her daughter and I was shocked to see she looked the same, if not better, than she did before she ever got pregnant. … Continue reading

Research on Exercise in Pregnancy

The recommendation for most healthy pregnant women is to get regular exercise. Unless there is a complication that makes exercise not safe, most doctors and midwives recommend activity at least three times each week. The reasons for the recommendations have been largely anecdotal. While there has been evidence of fewer complications, there haven’t been a lot of studies that directly compared women who exercised with women who did not during pregnancy. That has now changed. The study that was conducted at Kansas City University of Medicine was presented this weekend at The American Physiological Society’s annual meeting. The study compares … Continue reading

Aerobic Exercise in Pregnancy

Aerobic exercise has many benefits in pregnancy. There are many kinds of aerobic activity that pregnant women may enjoy. Try a prenatal aerobics class or DVD. Walking and swimming are also good, low impact aerobic activity. Most women who are fit before pregnancy are able to easily and comfortably continue to work out during pregnancy. If you haven’t worked out before, your doctor may have additional precautions and advice. If you have been working out, ask your health care provider about any modifications that may be needed. Walking on a treadmill will offer additional results for your walking routine. You … Continue reading

Exercise for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the more common symptoms experienced during pregnancy. The vast majority of pregnant women will have back pain at some point in their pregnancies. For most, the back pain is not related to an injury or problem, but from the changes in the body as a result of the pregnancy. Back pain during pregnancy is the result of a few changes. One is the weight gained during pregnancy. The weight gain is centered around the middle of the body, which changes the center of gravity. This change in the center of gravity causes strain on the … Continue reading

Prenatal Fitness Classes

Exercise offers many benefits to both mother and baby. Prenatal exercise helps improve circulation, keeps weight gain under control, reduces the risk of some pregnancy complications, prepares the body for labor and may help with weight loss after the baby is born. For many women, a lack of motivation or not knowing what exercises are safe and effective during pregnancy keeps them from working out. A prenatal fitness class can be the perfect remedy for both these problems. A regular class will keep you motivated and on track. A class designed specifically for pregnant women takes the uncertainty out of … Continue reading

Prenatal Workout Clothes

In the early months of your pregnancy, your sweats and t shirts will be perfect for workout clothes. However, as the baby grows, your old comfy sweats just won’t fit right. Eventually, you will need some new workout clothes. Fortunately, you don’t need a lot: a pair of yoga or workout pants, workout shorts, a few tops, supportive bras and a bathing suit will cover all the bases. You can find maternity workout clothes in some specialty maternity stores and online. Just google “maternity workout clothes” and you’ll find several sites offering a range of clothing options. It won’t take … Continue reading

Pregnancy Exercise Myths

Most experts say exercise is good for mom and baby, as long as the pregnancy is healthy and there are no complications. In fact, many doctors discuss the benefits with patients or offer handouts regarding exercise. Despite the recommendation of doctors, midwives and various medical associations, certain myths are persistent. Here are a few of the more common myths. If you have ever had a problem in a pregnancy, you can never exercise during any pregnancy: While this can be the case, it is often not. A past complication or miscarriage likely has nothing to do with exercise, whether it … Continue reading

ACOG Guidelines for Exercise

Most medical professionals agree that exercise during pregnancy is beneficial for otherwise healthy women. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology advocates exercise for healthy women at least three times a week. The organization made the recommendation along with other guidelines for exercise. The ACOG suggests various forms of exercise, including swimming, bicycling and weight bearing exercise. If a woman is healthy, she can often exercise at the same level of intensity as she did prior to pregnancy. The duration and intensity will vary from woman to woman and often depends on the fitness level prior to pregnancy. Active women … Continue reading