The Need for Protein (Part IV)

Our basic cell structure is composed of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and our bodies our made of an incalculable amount of these cells. Thus, protein is essential for our growth and health. It is in the womb that the baby progressed from multiplying cells to a body with functioning organs, bones, muscles, brain, circulatory system, etc. The baby cannot develop properly without protein and thus expectant mothers need to ensure that they are getting enough. Milk is famous for its high calcium content which is essential for strong bones, but milk is also an excellent source of … Continue reading

The Need for Protein (Part III)

Women have the miraculous ability to grow a baby inside them. Proteins are the fundamental building blocks for the baby’s body, so it is essential that expectant mothers get plenty of protein while pregnant. In the last two blogs, we’ve covered how many animal protein sources are produced at organic farms and factory farms. We’ve considered some of the benefits of organically raised animals and some of the problems with factory farm raised animals. Another protein we need to consider is Milk. Milk can be made into many different dairy products, but it all starts with the milk from cows … Continue reading

The Need for Protein (Part II)

Protein is essential for the proper development of a baby in utero. After all, proteins are the building blocks for all of us. It’s no surprise that expectant mothers need to increase their protein intake to ensure their babies have what they need to grow. As essential as protein is, the way many proteins are produced may call into question its nutritional value. Who wants a side of synthetic hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals with their rump roast? The problem is that many of us don’t realize that our major sources of protein have undergone a huge and unfortunate transformation. Just … Continue reading

The Need for Protein (Part I)

I’ve never been much of a meat eater. I was never a big fan of beans. I stopped drinking milk because it made me congested. I wasn’t getting enough protein. That all changed when I became pregnant. I had read over and over again the importance of getting enough protein while pregnant. The recommendation for pregnant women is 80 -110 grams of protein per day. I discovered two things about protein from my pre-pregnancy research and my first pregnancy: First, not all proteins are created, or rather manufactured, equally. Second, more foods contain protein than I originally thought (so maybe … Continue reading

Chocolate During Pregnancy May Make for Happy Baby

When I was pregnant with my first daughter in 2006, for some reason, I heard about this 2003 study where some doctors found that women who eat chocolate daily during pregnancy have happier babies. What? So, I was definitely interested. I was already eating chocolate daily. What pregnant woman doesn’t? OK, so maybe there are some pregnant women who don’t, but I definitely wasn’t one of them. And, the funny thing is, I wasn’t that big of a chocoholic before pregnancy. But, once those hormones kicked in, I was hooked. And, the other funny thing? I did have a pretty … Continue reading

How Bad Are Your Cravings?

How strong are your pregnancy cravings? Take this short quiz and find out where you end up on the scale. You see a commercial for doughnuts and you…. 1) Think to yourself, “wow, those look yummy,” consider sending your hubby out to get one, and then flip the channel instead. 2) Plan to pick some up the next morning. 3) Demand that your hubby drive to the grocery store and pick some up pronto. If you picked number 1, you are probably not pregnant. (I’m just kidding!) If you picked number 2, you have a healthy control over your cravings. … Continue reading

Bad Licorice and Smart Shopping

A pregnant woman’s diet is under such scrutiny. Doctors and scientists are always studying how different foods affect the health of a pregnant woman and her child. Often times, the focus is on what we cannot eat rather than what we should eat. We are constantly bombarded with warnings and new lists of foods to avoid. Unfortunately, you can add licorice to the list of things you can’t have (or should avoid) during pregnancy. Black licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which affects how hormones are regulated in the body. When a pregnant woman eats too much licorice, it can lead to higher … Continue reading

Product Review: Bellybar

I never turn down the chance to sample food (grocery store samples, anyone?), so when the makers of Bellybar asked me to review their product, I jumped at the chance. They sent me three Bellybar Boost snack bars in Baby Needs Chocolate, Berry Nutty Cravings and S’more to Love, and four DHA chews in Chocolate Cuddles and Citrus on Board. The Baby Needs Chocolate Bellybar was really tasty. It definitely satisfied my candy bar craving. S’more to Love was also very good; I loved the tiny marshmallows on top. Berry Nutty Cravings has a sweet and smooth yogurt coating on … Continue reading

Increased Appetite During Pregnancy

One of the most cliche symptoms of pregnancy is an increased appetite. If a movie or a sitcom features a pregnant woman, there is at least one scene where she is seen stuffing her face. The image of the hungry pregnant woman is not just in the media, it’s clearly rooted in our culture. I used to get comments if I didn’t put enough food on my plate at buffets or family functions. It was not unusual to hear someone say, “you’re not eating enough.” Everyone assumes pregnant women are supposed to be stuffing themselves all day. The upside to … Continue reading

How To Eat Healthier When You’re Busy

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important to your health and your baby. Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can lead to dangerous complications; and a diet high in sugar can potentially lead to an oversize baby, which causes its own issues as well. The problem is you are dealing with hormones that affect your appetite and your cravings. Combine those factors with a busy schedule and it becomes extremely difficult to stick to a healthy diet. The solution is a proactive approach with a little bit of planning and preparation. The first step is to think about the types … Continue reading