Pregnancy and Last Minute Changes

Yesterday I found out that one of my two midwives left the practice.  Yesterday also happened to mark a calendar month before my due date.  As you might guess, in my hormonal state (and given that I’m also just kind of a worrier anyway), I found this all upsetting. Now that there’s only one midwife, there’s a chance I might have a regular obstetrician deliver my baby, if my midwife isn’t on call when I go into labor.  Not only that, it will be one I won’t know, because all of my prenatal appointments have been with my midwives.  It’s … Continue reading

Why I Have A Doula

We’ve written a little bit before about doulas on the site, but we’ve never been able to share personal experiences with one until now.  Back when I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted a midwife but couldn’t find one.  I thought at least I might be able to find a doula, because that would be better than nothing.  I wanted someone, other than my at-times too logical husband, who would definitely be all on my side during labor. It took me a while, and I actually ended up finding a midwife first, but I was able to find … Continue reading

Switching Doctors: It’s Never Too Late

It’s been said hundreds of times, but it always bears repeating: it’s never too late to switch doctors.  If you don’t feel 100% comfortable with your doctor, you can switch.  It doesn’t matter how early or late into your pregnancy you are, whether you mostly feel all right with your current doctor, if you can’t put your finger on exactly why you don’t feel completely comfortable, or if you’re just curious to see what else is out there.  It’s OK.  Shop around.  Meet with other doctors.  Switch if that’s what, deep inside, you want to do: you’re not being unreasonable … Continue reading

A Tale of Two Pregnancies

Hi, my name is Sara and I am currently thirty three and a half weeks pregnant. You may have seen my posts on the Home Business, Genealogy, and Money blogs here on I’m excited to join the Pregnancy blog even at this late stage in my second pregnancy because between this experience and my pregnancy with my twenty seven month old son, there is plenty to talk about. As anyone who has been pregnant more than once can tell you, each pregnancy is completely different. Some of the things that are different with this pregnancy are things that I … Continue reading

Our Twelve Prenatal Visit

An entire week has come and gone once again. With each weekly visit, the birth of our daughter draws nearer and nearer. Not a lot has changed since my last prenatal visit so it is really just a matter of making sure that I am staying on track. The biggest difference this week is that a nasty cold virus has finally gotten the better of me after keeping the viruses at bay for what seems like months. Thus going into this prenatal visit, I feel kind of gross; just stuffy and congested. I had e-mailed my midwife early this week … Continue reading

Our Tenth Prenatal Visit

It has been one short week since our last prenatal visit with our midwife. This visit was a little different than our previous visits because it began with a thirty six ultrasound. Our midwife likes to have a quick ultrasound done at around thirty six weeks to check the baby’s position and the amniotic fluid level. Thus, our tenth and first weekly visit began at the ultrasound clinic. Our midwife met us at the clinic. All four of us headed into the exam room (although it seemed more like a nice sitting room). The technician began the ultrasound and immediately … Continue reading

Our Ninth Prenatal Visit

It has only been two weeks since my last prenatal visit. The end is in sight! Weekly visits will follow until our daughter is born! As we approach the holidays, I seem to get busier and busier. So to ensure that I could get my workout in, I awoke early, ate a Greek yogurt and did my prenatal pilates before our visit with the midwife. Both my husband and son accompanied me to this visit (we had no impending package deliveries). We entered the cozy carriage house, our son took the opportunity to run around in the open space, while … Continue reading

Chiropractic Adjustments During Pregnancy

When we first found out that I was pregnant with our second child, I started thinking about all the inevitable changes my body would undergo. I knew that at some point the extra weight and strain on my pelvis and the loosening of ligaments would result in a certain amount of misalignment which may or may not manifest itself by way of physical discomfort. Recalling my first pregnancy and the late pregnancy back pain (due to misalignment) that played a role in the baby turning breech, I wanted to ensure that I not only prevented this baby from turning breech … Continue reading

Our Eighth Prenatal Visit

Three weeks have come and gone once again. This is our last appointment with a three week interval. From now onward we will meet with our midwife in two weeks and then every week until the baby is born. This particular day is a busy one for us so we awoke earlier than normal. After a quick breakfast of Greek yogurt, I exercised right away while our son slept and my husband worked on his dissertation. I wanted to get my workout done before the appointment because I wanted to avoid not being able to squeeze it in after the … Continue reading

Our Seventh Prenatal Visit

The morning of our seventh prenatal visit has arrived far more quickly than I had anticipated. With my recent return home from an extended visit to my sister’s (ten hours away), I feel a bit disorganized and ill prepared for today’s appointment. Sleeping in certainly did not help my feelings of unpreparedness, as I rushed around preparing breakfast and getting things together for our visit (while my husband took a business call which threatened his ability to come to the appointment at all). In the end my husband inhaled his cold omelet and threw on some shoes just as our … Continue reading