Our Sixth Prenatal Visit

This may have been the longest three weeks that I have experienced in quite awhile. I have been a little anxious for this prenatal visit given my last prenatal visit and my excessive weight gain. I have been meticulous these last three weeks about my diet, writing everything done in my food journal. Hopefully the scale will speak for all of my hard work! We arrived for our sixth prenatal visit a few minutes early, I headed for the carriage house bathroom with determination because I really had to go! Once again my urine was spot on (all the colors … Continue reading

Our Fifth Prenatal Visit

Once again three weeks have come and gone and it is time for our fifth prenatal appointment. I do not have any major concerns going into this appointment and I am excited to see how my baby is doing! We arrive at the appointment a few minutes early. While we were waiting my husband took our son outside to run around and I collected my urine sample for the midwife to check once she was done with her other client. As my husband and son came inside the other pregnant mom was finished and leaving. The midwife checked my urine … Continue reading

Our Fourth Prenatal Visit

It is amazing how fast three weeks come and go! It really feels like it has only been a week since we had our third prenatal visit and ultrasound. Alas, three week have passed and it is time for another prenatal appointment. I was a little worried this visit that I had gained a little more weight than my weekly goal of one pound. Let us just say that cupcakes and English muffins are not a pregnant girls best friend. The reason for my concern was based on a supposed three pound weight gain in just two days! Yikes! I … Continue reading

The Ultrasound

As soon as our third prenatal came to a close, we were on our way to the ultrasound clinic where we were meeting our midwife. We had been excitedly awaiting our ultrasound date for three weeks (what a great birthday present for my husband; to see his unborn child via ultrasound!)! Upon arrival we quickly filled out the required paperwork and waited for our midwife to arrive and for the ultrasound technician to get the room prepared for our ultrasound. In a matter minutes we were ushered into the ultrasound room. Both my husband and I noticed right away the … Continue reading

Our Third Prenatal Visit

In the midst of birthday celebrations and baby shower planning, we had our third prenatal visit with our midwife. At eighteen weeks and five days, I am feeling really good and aside from my growing midsection, I feel like I am back to my old self with lots of energy and motivation. Our every-three-weeks visits seem to come quickly and meeting fairly often has many advantages. In three short weeks lots of things happened: I added vitamin D3 to my diet, I adamantly exercised five times every week without fail, I gained three pounds, I ate lots of protein, and … Continue reading

Prenatal Visit at Sixteen Weeks

Prenatal visits are a generally accepted practice during pregnancy and rightfully so. Prenatal visits (especially with a midwife) are a great way to correct and/or affirm nutrition, exercise, and overall progress. The frequency of prenatal visits varies depending on the health care provider and the risk involved with each particular woman and her pregnancy. Prenatal visits are a rather joyful event. My midwife (she is absolutely fabulous) schedules prenatal visits every three weeks until the last two months of pregnancy. Our most recent prenatal visit occurred at sixteen weeks. Many things happened during this prenatal visit. First we went over … Continue reading

The Insurance Policy (Part I)

I mentioned in a previous blog posting about my midwife’s “Insurance Policy.” This really has nothing to do with policy coverage, hospitals, or insurance companies; this is a different kind of insurance policy. With her extensive experience as a nurse midwife, she has seen time and time again the value of her insurance policy as she attends to expectant mothers. Her insurance policy is based on maintaining optimum health, which is something EVERYONE should be concerned about. This is how she can almost guarantee a healthy mother, a healthy baby, and a complication free pregnancy and delivery. My midwife’s insurance … Continue reading

Blood Work

This may seem silly, but I absolutely abhor needles. The mere thought of blood being drawn from my veins leaves me cold. There are certainly much worse procedures to have done and I know that there are people that endure needles and much worse almost daily. God bless those people and thank God I am not one of those people. I remember going with my mother to her prenatal appointments as a child. There was the amazing part of hearing the baby’s heartbeat. Then there was the horrifying part of my mother having her blood work done … I couldn’t … Continue reading

The First Official Prenatal Visit with Our Midwife

The first order of business was to find someone to watch our son. It just so happened that my fifteen year old sister had the day off from work. I picked her up from work the night before so that I wouldn’t have to worry about rushing around to pick her up in the morning in combination with our 9:30AM appointment. As we rushed around making breakfast and and coffee (mine is a decaf latte), we were finally ready to go. Once we arrived at the midwives home office, the paperwork began. First she when through her contract with us … Continue reading

Our First Meeting with the Midwife

Once I found the midwife that I wanted to attend me and my pregnancy, I gave her a call to see if she would take me on as a client. I introduced myself and told her that I was seeking a homebirth after having a birth center birth with my first child. I added that she knows my mom. She got really excited when she realized who I was because she had recently talked to my mother about my husband and I trying to get pregnant and potentially moving back. Then she asked my due date. I told her sometime … Continue reading