Under Wraps

Believe it or not, there are some signs of pregnancy that may show up before a HPT will give a positive test result. For example, some women might experience a very small amount of spotting when the embryo implants in the lining of the uterus. The problem with these very early pregnancy signs is the fact that they can be attributed to any number of other things. In retrospect, one could look back and say, “oh yeah, I was so tired because I was pregnant.” However, symptoms like fatigue are so common and caused by so many different things, there’s … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Relationships: Friends

An interesting phenomenon happens when a woman announces her pregnancy to her friends. Some will be genuinely excited. Some will experience heartbreak in the midst of infertility. Some will feel jealous if they have not yet reached the “baby stage” of life and would like to. Some may not feel much of anything. When a friend experiences anything other than genuine excitement, the potential for drama arises. Add some pregnancy hormones into the mix and you have recipe for disaster, but no relationship has to be doomed because there is a baby on the way. Pregnancy can cause heartbreak between … Continue reading

Thinking About Announcing Your Pregnancy on Turkey Day?

John Milton said, “Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” This time of year, those of us who are expecting have abundantly more to be thankful for, and what provokes “transcendent moments of awe” more than bringing a new life into the world? Thanksgiving is one of the few holidays that does not center around gifts, but rather focuses on bringing family together and expressing gratitude for the things in life that matter. I can’t think of a more perfect occasion to share … Continue reading

Social Networking and Birth Announcements

Websites like Facebook and Twitter have changed the way moms introduce babies to friends and family. Mailed birth announcements have become more of a novelty item. By the time friends and family receive them, everyone has already heard and seen pictures of the birth online. Not that I disapprove; I too updated my Facebook status when I went to the hospital, and again on my husband’s phone when I got to my mother-baby room after the birth. My sister made an announcement on her Facebook profile as well. By the time I got home from the hospital, my wall had … Continue reading

Make Designer Birth Announcements at Home (Before the Birth)

After you have a baby, your time is monopolized by feeding, burping, diaper changing and trying to catch up on sleep. Who has time for making birth announcements? It’s no wonder so many new moms resort to the photo kiosk at their local discount store. There’s nothing wrong with click and print announcements, but what if you want something with a little more flair and originality? With a little planning and creativity, you can make the birth announcements you’ve been dreaming of without cutting into your budget or your time as a new mommy. 1. Find Inspiration Find inspiration from … Continue reading

Turn Your First Ultrasound into a Pregnancy Announcement

Telling your friends and family you are expecting is an exciting time. Especially for first time parents, finding a creative way to break the news and surprise loved ones is half the fun! I used a couple different ways to tell my family. With my husband, I didn’t get creative because I was just too excited to wait. I ran straight from the bathroom, stick in hand, to the bedroom where my husband was fast asleep. It was four in the morning, so I’m not sure he really understood what was going on. Likewise, I told my mom by emailing … Continue reading

The Economy and Telling the Boss You’re Pregnant

Telling the boss about a pregnancy is often a stressful situation, whether the new mom is planning to stay employed after the baby is born or not. In the current economic downturn, the stakes are even higher. Companies are laying off workers in almost every sector and women may have real reasons to be worried. If layoffs are coming, women may fear telling the boss because they fear losing the job. Despite federal laws, pregnant workers continue to be seen as more expendable than their non pregnant peers. Employers may worry that the mother will leave the job after the … Continue reading

Pregnancy, the Economy, and Your Job

The current economic recession/depression has many people worried about their future job security. This includes pregnant women, who may worry about their health insurance and maternity leave benefits as well as the job. A recent study suggests pregnant women may actually be most at risk of losing jobs during a recession. The study was conducted at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The study’s author looked at this and past recessions in collecting data about employment for pregnant women in times of economic hard ship. During difficult times, pregnant women may be seen as a ‘weak link’ or easily fired. Sometimes … Continue reading

What to do if You Face Pregnancy Discrimination

As I reported in this blog, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has reported an increase in pregnancy discrimination complaints. Many mistakenly believe this type of discrimination no longer happens with laws designed to prevent it. Unfortunately, women are still experiencing pregnancy discrimination in the work place. According to the EEOC, women in fields traditionally dominated by women and women of color are the groups most affected by the increase in complaints. The organization plans a large public awareness campaign in an attempt to reduce pregnancy discrimination. In the meantime, what should you do if you are faced with discrimination … Continue reading

Pregnancy Discrimination Complaints on the Rise

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Washington D.C. tracks complaints of pregnancy related discrimination in the United States each year. The organization has reported a dramatic increase in complaints for the year 2007. In fact, the number of complaints has been gradually increasing over the past decade, despite the fact that discriminating against pregnant women has been illegal for 30 years. In 2007, pregnancy discrimination complaints increased by 65 percent, representing a significant increase over prior years. This information was released by the National Partnership for Women and Families on the 30th anniversary of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. The Pregnancy … Continue reading